Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3)

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Clan/Rank : /Darkshadow - Rouge/Spiderkit - ShadowClan kit/
Sagittarius Cat
Number of posts : 2560
Age : 24

Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Empty
PostSubject: Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3)   Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 2:25 pm

Pebblefoot awoke from his long nap by the cold evening breeze.
He got up from his nest and stretched his long legs before padding out of the warriors den to examine the fresh kill pile.
It was well on prey, so he decided to take a small shrew, still warm and fresh; a recent kill.
A dark shape silhouetted on a large boulder next to some other rocks. A pitch black she-cat leaped down from the boulder and on to the other rocks one by one until she reached the ground and ran over to Pebblefoot. This she-cat was his sister, Sleekpelt.
"Hello, Pepplefoot." She mewed as she brushed up against his shoulder.
"Hwello Sweekpwelt." He meowed, his mouth muffled by shrew fur.
"What'cha doing?"
"Eating." He said when he had finished his mouthful."
"Isn't that new," She said dully, raising her eyebrow. Pepplefoot grinned and walked away.
"Hey, wait," Pebblefoot glanced at her over his shoulder. "Darkstar want's you to go on a hunting patrol with Specklenose."
"Isn't Specklenose a medicine cat?"
"Yeah, but she wanted to go hunting, she hasn't gone in moons."
"All right then," He meowed before padding off to the medicine den. "C'mon Specklenose, lets go!"
"Don't rush my old bones, Pepplefoot. They are not as strong as they use to be," She managed to get up and stretch. "Okay, lets go."
They walked off to the entrance of the camp and into the forest. Pebblefoot left Specklenose to hunt without him, he didn't want her slowing him, down. He spotted his prey, a rabbit; a large one too. He got into the hunters crouch and slowly stalked towards the rabbit. "All most there, just a few more pawseps....!" He thought to himself. Then he sprang, but a chill went up his spine and he fell to the ground. Something was pulling him back!

That is the only part of the story I can find for now :P

Chis sweet home
=(◕ ‿‿ ◕)=

Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_19Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_22Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_17Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_14Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_20Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_24Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_1-1Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_9
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Number of posts : 5142

Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3)   Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 2:33 pm

Nice! Cant wait for the next part! :D

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Clan/Rank : /Darkshadow - Rouge/Spiderkit - ShadowClan kit/
Sagittarius Cat
Number of posts : 2560
Age : 24

Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3)   Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 2:39 pm

Thanks :3

Chis sweet home
=(◕ ‿‿ ◕)=

Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_19Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_22Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_17Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_14Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_20Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_24Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_1-1Darkshadow's Story ;D (hope you enjoy :3) Chisweethomeicon_9
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