Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Little Gifts[solo]

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2 posters


Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

Little Gifts[solo] Empty
PostSubject: Little Gifts[solo]   Little Gifts[solo] EmptySun 7 Jan 2024 - 3:31

This place is pretty dead... By which I mean, there's nothing to kill.

Ajex was once again out to find gifts for Alethea. The most painful part of trying to grow closer to the stunning she-cat was that she didn't have the same taste as him, and in the dead of Leafbare one of the only gift options were food. And so, he had to subject himself time and time again to chase creatures he had little interest in, until at last he snapped. If food wasn't a good enough gift for the pretty she-cat, he'll just bring her something to wear. Something like a pelt. Yes, that would look amazing on her, he was sure. His only concern was that it might block him from seeing her beautiful coat.

It didn't take long for the scent of foxes to greet him. ShadowClan really did have a problem with these nasties. He'd have to visit this area more often and clean out these pesky creatures. Ajex shook the snow off his pelt and bounded forward, letting the scents guide him until at last he found his target. The pale creature was half-asleep, eyes still cloudy with dreams. Ajex couldn't help but admire it's fur; a soft, creamy off-white, with darker roots that revealed its original colour of red. Pity he'd have to ruin it with blood. The tom crouched down, tail lashing with excitement, before with a strong heave of his hindlegs he pushed himself forward, paws moving with the grace and speed the warriors of his birthland had been born with. He was in the air, drifting through space for a heartbeat, before his claws dug into flesh and the fox collapsed beneath him. Fangs snapped at him, drawing blood, and sending a thrill that he had been craving. The reason he always went after larger beasts rather than smaller weaklings for sustenance was as simple as this: one provided a thrill of battle, a gamble with his life at every move, an bloody dance of skill and grace as they wove amongst each other, trading moves borne of experience and tradition.

Ajex used Jumping Strike, dealing 8(+3)dmg and -7SP
Fox used Iron Bite, dealing 17dmg and -30SP

43 HP / 123 SP

49 HP / 150 SP

The fox shrieked, letting its voice pierce the morning sky. Somewhere, there was an eruption of wings beating the air as flocks of birds took to the sky in an attempt to hold onto life for another day. That was their strength: to fly away, to where no predator can hunt them. It was a skill needed by all birds; a flightless bird was a weak bird, and therefore easy prey. They all abided by the same rules: to survive is an endless fight of growing stronger than the other, adapting time and time again, taking whatever they were given, and using it to their advantage. That was the grace of life, the beauty of the wild.

Ajex used Front Paw Strike and Dirty Trick, dealing 8(+7)dmg and -14SP
Fox used Iron Bite, dealing 17dmg and -30SP


26 HP / 109 SP

34 HP / 120 SP

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

Art Requests | Character Profiles | Plotting

Last edited by Copperbeanz on Sun 7 Jan 2024 - 4:15; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15196
Age : 30

Little Gifts[solo] Empty
PostSubject: Little Gifts[solo]   Little Gifts[solo] EmptySun 7 Jan 2024 - 3:31

The member 'Copperbeanz' has done the following action : Dice roll

'Hunting Dice' : 6

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Little Gifts[solo] Mistpe10
Little Gifts[solo] Sig2
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

Little Gifts[solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Gifts[solo]   Little Gifts[solo] EmptySun 7 Jan 2024 - 4:16

This place is pretty dead... By which I mean, there's nothing to kill.

Ajex twisted as teeth sank into him. The blood loss made his paws and head feel light as a feather, a sensation he was used to now. He found his footing, and wasted no time and in lunging forward, landing squarly on the creature's wide shoulders and pressing it's face into the dirt. The fox bucked, obviously enraged, but he held on, determined to see this fight through.

Ajex used Leap and Hold, dealing 8dmg and -15SP
Fox is pinned for 1 turn


26 HP / 94 SP

26 HP / 120 SP

One powerful kick threw him off the beast's shoulders, and Ajex twisted to land on all fours. Fierce black eyes met burning blue eyes as the fox rounded on him. The tabby reared up, claws lashing out to bat at the fox's muzzle until suddenly teeth sank into his shoulder. Mouse dung! Ajex hissed as he was forced to drop down onto all fours once more.

Ajex used Front Paw Strike and Desperate Blows, dealing 8(+5)dmg and -14SP
Fox used Iron Bite, dealing 17dmg and -30SP


9 HP / 80 SP

13 HP / 90 SP

Only a few more moves left. Ajex could feel the fox begin to tire, recognized the familiar stumbling of paws of a prey who had lost a lot of blood. He lunged forward, teeth sinking into it's thick tail, and took it's moment of weakness to sweep it's paws out from under it.

Ajex used Tail Yank, dealing 8dmg and -15SP
Fox is stunned for 1 turn


9 HP / 65 SP

5 HP / 90 SP

The fox was dead. Well, not yet, but they both knew it. The light of defiance had faded from those eyes, leaving behind only a silent plea for a quick death. To which Ajex gave, snapping the fox's neck swiftly. He stepped back, looking down at his prize with a satisfied smile.

Ajex used Snap, dealing 8dmg and -7SP
Fox is KO'ed


9 HP / 58 SP

0 HP / 90 SP

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

Art Requests | Character Profiles | Plotting

Last edited by Copperbeanz on Sun 7 Jan 2024 - 4:29; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15196
Age : 30

Little Gifts[solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Little Gifts[solo]   Little Gifts[solo] EmptySun 7 Jan 2024 - 4:16

The member 'Copperbeanz' has done the following action : Dice roll

'Effect Dice' : 2

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Little Gifts[solo] Mistpe10
Little Gifts[solo] Sig2
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PostSubject: Re: Little Gifts[solo]   Little Gifts[solo] Empty

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