Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Trying to Understand [c]

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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptySat 12 Aug 2023 - 11:09


Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice

(ooc: I saw your message, but couldn't respond since your pms are closed, so here's the topic for Lavender and Silent!)

Silentpaw exited the apprentice's den with a massive yawn and stretched her legs before looking around curiously. She briefly wondered what exciting adventures the day would hold before trotting across the camp toward the river that surrounded their island home. The day was bright and the air pure as the snow-white apprentice settled down beside the river with a sigh. Being old enough to train and explore their territory wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

With every day, Silentpaw found her excitement dwindling and when she woke up today, it was basically nonexistent. She had been excited at first, but each sideways glance and frustrated glare had her feeling pretty down. It wasn't like she was being difficult on purpose - she tried to understand - she really did!

Ears drooping, Silentpaw flopped onto her stomach and dropped her chin onto her paws with a grunt. The older cats treated her differently than the others her age and she wasn't sure why, but it was disheartening. Did they think that she was weak? That she couldn't take care of herself? Why did they always have someone keeping an eye on her? Was it just because she didn't understand their way of communication? She could communicate just fine in other ways!

Well, sulking wasn't helping - but it did make her feel better. With a frustrated growl, Silentpaw reached a paw out and sliced her claws through the water, sending a spray of crystalline droplets through the air.

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Clan/Rank : RiverClan/apprentice
Number of posts : 317

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptyMon 14 Aug 2023 - 0:48

* ☽ *
Lavenderpaw was going toward the river to begin the day with a refreshing splash in its shallows, when he noticed Silentpaw on the bank.

The pure white apprentice was flopped on her stomach, ears drooping, chin on her paws. It wasn't the excitement he had seen in previous days.

Though they had not met properly, the two apprentices were often in camp together. Lavenderpaw appreciated the division of the duties, though he had not been assigned a duty together with Silentpaw yet. They often passed each other by.

Lavenderpaw moved from his place of pause, deciding to join the disheartened apprentice. He scooted around to approach her from the side rather than behind, so he shouldn't startle his deaf denmate. He hoped she would see him. But the pure-white apprentice's blue gaze stayed downcast. 

Lavenderpaw had gotten quite close when suddenly with a growl she sliced her paw through the water, the crystalline droplets spraying over him. He resisted the immediate reflex to shake it off back on her.

Soft yellow eyes still wide and surprised, he dipped his head to meet her eye level. Lavenderpaw blinked in hello, water still dripping off of his whiskers. "Hey." Lavenderpaw frowned at her, not unfriendly or unkind, but simply reflecting her emotion of frustration. He tipped his head to the side questioningly, his shoulders twitching in a shrug. "What's wrong?"

Lavenderpaw wasn't sure if Silentpaw would respond, or if an unanswerable question would be a breaking point. He waited patiently beside her.
* ☽ *
thank you!
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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptyWed 16 Aug 2023 - 18:07


Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice

Silentpaw jolted back with a surprised mrrup, her blue eyes wide as she slowly recognized the face of her den mate. She hadn't spent any time with the tom, but she recalled seeing him around the camp every now and then. Her gaze lowered to the tom's hind legs before trailing back up to his eyes. His expression was mostly unreadable, if not slightly curious, which made some of Silentpaw's frustrations melt away. He'd definitely just seen her outburst - how embarrassing.

The white-furred apprentice blinked apologetically at Lavenderpaw before looking away awkwardly. He looked concerned - a little soggy - but seemed to be wondering what was wrong. Then, Silentpaw realized that she had probably splattered river water all over Lavenderpaw! That's why he was damp!

She puffed up, somewhat ashamed, and reached her paws out to bap at Lavenderpaw's face, attempting to dry him off a bit. She purred quietly, amused with herself, and pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her smile faded as the other apprentice lowered his face to hers, his jaws opening and closing in that strange type of communication she still didn't understand. Suddenly annoyed again, Silentpaw turned away with a huff and curled her tail tightly around her legs.

It made no sense! Didn't they realize that she couldn't understand them!? Why did they even bother trying to talk to her anyway? It was pointless, which was probably why most cats tended to avoid her. What was she good for if she didn't understand a thing they said? All she was good for was getting into load of trouble.

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Clan/Rank : RiverClan/apprentice
Number of posts : 317

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptyFri 18 Aug 2023 - 16:06

* ☽ *
As soon as Lavenderpaw opened his mouth, he had lost her. One moment Silentpaw had tried to pat him dry with outreached paws, a smile and a quiet purr, and the next he was staring at her sulkily turned back.

Lavenderpaw flicked his ears. Strangely, it made him want to laugh, mostly at himself. He tapped her on the shoulder before cheekily splashing a paw through the glittering shallows, getting Silentpaw as soaking as him.

A quiet purr started in Lavenderpaw's throat and turned into a laugh. His ears perked with a sudden thought; he gently tapped her paw, bringing it to his throat where uncontrollable giggles still bubbled.

Silentpaw could see his open smile and feel the vibration. Whether it was a cat's voice, or the sound of a thunderstorm, or a purr in her own chest, she knew it existed, she just didn't know how other cats used it.

After pointing out the feeling, Lavenderpaw swivelled his ears to draw her attention there as well. With ears twitching and a purr vibrating from his throat, Lavenderpaw tapped a paw to his throat and his mouth, then brought the paw up to tap his ear.

Then he indicated Silentpaw, soft yellow eyes wide and gentle, and covered an ear with his paw while making his twitching ears still. Cautiously, feeling warm and fidgety with embarrassment, Lavenderpaw searched her big blue eyes for any understanding.
* ☽ *
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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptyMon 21 Aug 2023 - 13:56


Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice

Silentpaw tried to ignore the other apprentice, but his paw on her shoulder had her turning around, curious to see what he wanted. It had better be a heart-felt apology! Of course, it wasn't an apology and even if it was, she wouldn't have heard much less understood him. Silentpaw didn't even get a chance to process what was happening before the shock of cool water sent her rearing back with a startled hiss. She blinked for a few moments before finally realizing that Lavenderpaw had just splashed her! He was enacting revenger for her getting him wet!

The white she-cat couldn't help but smile at the sight of his exuberance and, not one to accept such a blatant attack, began reaching for the nearby river to splash him in return. However, his paw briefly on hers was enough to stay the assault for now, and Silentpaw lifted her gaze to stare questioningly at the other apprentice.

She watched, baffled, as he guided her paw to his throat, which seemed to vibrate in a way that was almost similar to purring. She jerked her paw back, confused, before leaning closer and pressing her paw gently against his throat again. It was more jarring than a purr, that was certain. There were breaks and stutters and what's more, it seemed to start and stop so abruptly! Jaw parted slightly with unveiled shock, Silentpaw glanced up at Lavenderpaw, her eyes wide.

What was happening? Utterly lost, Silentpaw leaned back to sit on her haunches, fluffy tail lashing with a mixture of aggravation and wonder. Her gaze darted to his ears as they moved to and fro and she watched the odd show Lavenderpaw put on. Ears, throat... her, covered ears? What did it mean? It made so sense at all! Regardless, Silentpaw could tell that Lavenderpaw was trying to explain something to her...but what? After a moment, the white apprentice lifted a paw and covered one of her ears.

She didn't feel any different, was she supposed to feel different? What was he trying to tell her? For a moment, Silentpaw considered getting up and leaving, but he had managed to snag her attention and was clearly trying to help her. For that, for a chance at some closure, she would stay.

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Clan/Rank : RiverClan/apprentice
Number of posts : 317

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptySat 2 Sep 2023 - 1:45

☽ ☽ ☽
Lavenderpaw narrowly avoided being soaked again as Silentpaw swiftly reached towards the nearby river to attack him back in their accidental splash fight. Luckily for Lavenderpaw, his odd show had got the snow-white apprentice's attention. 

Silentpaw was clearly baffled and shocked, blue eyes wide and fluffy white tail lashing. She lifted a snowy paw and covered one of her ears in confusion. Of course it didn't feel any different for her, silly Lavenderpaw!

Clumsy as his communication was, the other apprentice did not yet get up and leave. The sleek short-furred grey tom dipped his head gratefully with a subtly smiling blink and visible, "Thank you."

How could he explain? Lavenderpaw watched her with soft yellow eyes. From Silentpaw's perspective, she sees his mouth move. "You're," he indicated her, "looking," moving from eyes to mouth, "right?" Lavenderpaw left the paw he had gestured with hanging in the air questioningly.

His eyes rested gently on her, pale yellow flickering as he looked for any response. Lavenderpaw ploughed through. "I'm," indicating himself, "listening," he moved from his throat to his ears twitching this way and that way. Now, he closed his eyes while his ears twitched.

Lavenderpaw's ears turned to the sounds around the two young cats. Lavenderpaw risked getting splashed by closing his eyes and he cracked an eye back open to look at Silentpaw. Maybe he couldn't explain to her.

Lavenderpaw didn't feel any different from others. He knew he was different in his abilities because he was told so, and because it was plain others walked on four paws while he had use only of his front paws to pull himself around.

But wouldn't it be frustrating to not know why he was treated differently from others his age? Lavenderpaw wanted to help Silentpaw. He also thought she was perfect as she was. Lavenderpaw wanted to see her smile again.
☽ ☽ ☽
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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptyTue 12 Sep 2023 - 10:22


Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice

Silentpaw cocked her head to the side, the remaining droplets of their water-fight gliding down her whiskers and falling to the sandy ground. He was grateful, or happy, but why? Had she accidentally done something right? Whatever the reason, Silentpaw wasn't going to look too deeply into it - she hadn't messed up for once! He odd gestures were, however, unfamiliar to the white she-cat. What was he doing? Was this yet another form of communication that she would be unable to grasp?

Blinking, Silentpaw nodded. Whatever he was trying to tell her, she would at the very least try to understand. She watched curiously as he indicated toward her, then to different parts of their bodies. Eyes, ears...what did it all mean? Her pale blue eyes lingered on his ears for a moment as they twitched back and forth before finally being angled to the side. Tail-tip twitching, Silentpaw looked over and spotted one of their clanmates padding towards the far edge of the camp.

His ears rotated in the other direction and, once more, she turned her head to follow. It took her a moment to find it but, eventually, she spotted a bird in the trees with its beak open. It was like a game! Silentpaw turned back to Lavenderpaw and froze upon finding him already looking at her. Why was he staring at her so intently?

Scuffing her paws in the sandy soil, she glanced away awkwardly. What did he want from her? Then, her eyes brightened. Wait. His eyes had been closed, right? So how had he known all of that? Fur bristling slightly with confusion, Silentpaw padded closer to Lavenderpaw before stopping - their noses almost touching. Did he have special abilities she wasn't aware of? The young apprentice stared at the tom for a moment before suddenly reaching up and tapping his nose with her paw.

Well, whatever it was, he certainly didn't have super reflexes. Huffing, Silentpaw plopped onto the ground, her own ears flicking back and forth as she tried to tune in to whatever Lavenderpaw had been doing. Was he special, or was he like everyone else? Maybe the rest of her clanmates had that strange ability and she was the messed up one? It certainly would explain some things...

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Clan/Rank : RiverClan/apprentice
Number of posts : 317

Trying to Understand [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Understand [c]   Trying to Understand [c] EmptyThu 28 Sep 2023 - 23:57

* ☽ *
At least, Silentpaw saw that he was happy that she was trying to understand. But Lavenderpaw wasn't communicating very well. The gestures which he tried to swap for words just confused the other apprentice more. It wasn't like it was a natural way to communicate for him, either.

Lavenderpaw could almost see his kithood friend, Drizzlepool, rolling her eyes at him with an expression which clearly said, what are you doing? Suddenly, it felt very silly to push some unnatural made-up communication with Silentpaw. He could almost see Drizzlepool flicking her tail against his side and giving him a long look, it's not that difficult is it

Silentpaw seemed to understand best what Lavenderpaw wasn't even trying to say. He understood Silentpaw when she wasn't speaking or pointing. He used to understand Drizzlepool the same way. Had his friend really been dead long enough that he had forgotten their easy communication? That realisation, a hot flustered feeling, suddenly wanting to cry, made Lavenderpaw close his eyes.

When Lavenderpaw cracked an eye back open, since it was definitely Silentpaw's turn to splash Lavenderpaw, if they were still playing... her head had turned to follow where his ears pointed. Silentpaw's intent blue eyes pinpointed the bird singing in the tree. Lavenderpaw's own soft yellow eyes lit up as they met Silentpaw's, she had found the bird, hadn't she?

She had followed his perception while his eyes were closed and his ears did the sensing. Lavenderpaw was curious if it meant anything to her and couldn't help but look to Silentpaw hopefully again. Though, Lavenderpaw wouldn't blame her if it all made no sense, since so far he wasn't very good at explaining. But the eager way Silentpaw searched for the bird, like it was a game, made Lavenderpaw smile. She was earnest as well as playful and he liked that about the fellow apprentice.

For a moment, Silentpaw looked awkward and uncertain, before her eyes lit up brightly. His head tipped to the side uncertainly. The white she-cat padded up to Lavenderpaw, fur lightly electrified by curiosity, examining the dark grey tom so closely their noses almost touched. He froze with confusion of his own and couldn't help blinking slowly and repeatedly.

Then without warning, Silentpaw reached up and tapped Lavenderpaw's nose with her paw. Surprised by the sudden tickle of her soft sheathed paw, he let out a small sneeze, automatically giving her an apologetic look before smiling awkwardly. Finding him unextraordinary, Silentpaw plopped to the ground with a huff.

Lavenderpaw settled companionably on the ground beside her. He followed the movements of Silentpaw's ears, which seemed to flick around randomly without picking up any sound. He wondered what she was noticing. Across the clearing, their clanmates conversed, ears also flicking as they listened to each other. Lavenderpaw wondered if a warrior would notice the two idle apprentices and come over to give them a duty to do.

Lavenderpaw's favourite duty was fishing, even if only in the safety of the shallow broken pools surrounding the island. Usually, all he could catch there were little minnows. But he still found satisfaction in practicing his skills and hunting at least a little for RiverClan. As he followed Silentpaw's flicking ears, a splash from the river made Lavenderpaw's ears turn, his soft yellow eyes lighting up to see a fish leap out of the water, had Silentpaw seen it too?

He would like to fish with Silentpaw. He was sure Silentpaw would be good at fishing, and many other things. Lavenderpaw knew it would take more than his fumbled attempt for Silentpaw to make sense of her different experience of the world. But she could do it! Seeing her concentrating so earnestly, he thought, Don't worry if you don't understand yet, hoping it reached her somehow.
* ☽ *
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