Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 silent song (c)

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2 posters


Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

silent song (c) Empty
PostSubject: silent song (c)   silent song (c) EmptyFri 16 Jun 2023 - 6:21


Cicadasong, Cicadasong, Cicadasong... She had been repeating her new name ever since her ceremony. She liked it, it was very pretty, but it was weird. It would definitely take some time to get used to, even more time than it took for her to get used to 'Cicadapaw'. She watched most cats enter their den, just as the sun started to rise. She flicked her ears back, wincing, she had never been up so late before... the sun was so bright... How do cats from the other Clans manage to see during the day?

Her questions would have to wait for another day, they sure wouldn't be answered now. Not like she could speak, anyway... Then again, not like anybody would even know. Not like she was going to risk it, of course it was simply a thought, harmless as all thoughts!

silent song (c) Untitled730-20231230004356
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

silent song (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: silent song (c)   silent song (c) EmptyFri 16 Jun 2023 - 6:48

Tawnyshadow couldn't quite sleep just yet. Despite everything that she had done in the past few days, there was maybe one last thing she had to do... [Redacted]... The she-cat returned to camp, the weight lifted off her shoulders for the first time in moons. It was already light out, a time of day she had not seen for a very, very long time. The last time was... when she was simply a kit. She had even bugged Sablestrike to bring her out of camp to fetch moss. The world outside of the camp had been scary and unfamiliar, but she had not stopped even once from her journey to fetching the moss and back. It was such a simple memory, and yet... it was also one of the dearest.

As she neared the camp entrance, Tawnyshadow noticed a particular calico pelt. Cicadasong. She had been at the new warrior's ceremony, but didn't cheer particularly loud. She still wasn't sleepy, so maybe she could get to know her new denmate a bit better. She was well aware that Cicadasong wouldn't be able to talk today. And if the she-cat did... she could expect a new nick in her ear. Tawnyshadow nodded in greeting towards Cicadasong, then sat down a tail-length away, where she wrapped her tail around her paws and watched the daylight break through the branches above.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

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