Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Seasons Change but People Don't (Starlingflare)

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Characters : Patchpaw, Beetlestrike
Clan/Rank : [P] TC Apprentice, [B] SkC T1 Warrior
Virgo Rooster
Number of posts : 356
Gender : She/They
Age : 30

Seasons Change but People Don't (Starlingflare) Empty
PostSubject: Seasons Change but People Don't (Starlingflare)   Seasons Change but People Don't (Starlingflare) EmptySat 7 Jan 2023 - 20:06

Patchpaw was getting used to being with the Clan again, even if she did feel like she was being forced into a space just a bit too small for her. A weird feeling for sure, possibly because the apprentice den was full of different faces than when she had last been in it. It was also smaller, being a temporary one while they were in the sandy hollow, which didn't help. She missed the camp, although she supposed they were lucky. They weren't stranded at Fourtrees, like SkyClan was.

Perhaps she was feeling nostalgic today, because her green eyes scanned the hollow as she stepped further into the clearing, looking for her brother. She hadn't gotten much of a chance to speak with Starlingflare since her return, and she felt like she should. After all, he was her brother. Not that they had ever been close, but perhaps now that they were grown they could have a better relationship? They didn't have a lot of family left, and they were the last two remaining from their litter. She felt a pang as she remembered Wasppaw, his death had definitely left it's mark on her.

Spying the fluffy silver form of Starlingflare, she padded over, blinking in greeting as she settled herself. "Hey, Starlingflare. We haven't really had a chance to catch up," she purred, feeling slightly awkward. It had been so long...


I know I got it inside me, I just hope you'll be my witness

Patchwork Profiles Act II
Seasons Change but People Don't (Starlingflare) 73dhchX
Patchpaw | TC Apprentice   &  Beetlestrike | SkC T1 Warrior
[#a4af78]                     [#ffc900]
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Seasons Change but People Don't (Starlingflare)
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