Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Learn With Me [c]

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2 posters


Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrensong (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1050
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyWed 13 Jul 2022 - 9:47


It was a beautiful day, the occasional breeze gently rustling the reeds as Stormdance lead Woolypaw outside the confines of camp for the first time. The Greenleaf sun made everything warm and heavy, the air filled with the sounds of bugs chirping and the calls of birds in the trees.  It was a good day for their first day of training.

Stormdance looked at the apprentice at his side, his mind drifting back to his own first time leaving the camp. He had been so nervous, but at the same time, fascinated as Owlshriek had led him around. He still remembered his excitement when he caught his first fish that day. He was determined to help Woolypaw have a good experience as well.

“Alright,” He mewed. “Today I just want to bring you around our territory. I want you to get an idea of how to navigate it as well as where our borders lie and how to recognize some important scents.” He flicked his tail, indicating that Woolypaw should follow him as he started walking. He tried to appear more sure of himself than he felt so that Woolypaw could be confident in response. He didn’t want his anxieties to cause Woolypaw to have doubts in his mentor. It was important that he trust Stormdance.  

RC Tier 5 Warrior

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Tier 1 Warrior

SC Tier 2 Warrior

SkC Tier 3 Warrior


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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : (W)oolywing, (B)lackbear, (Bu)tterfly
Clan/Rank : (W) RiverClan T3 Warrior, (B) SkyClan T4 Warrior, (S) T1 Loner
Aries Rooster
Number of posts : 829
Gender : He/him
Age : 19

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyTue 19 Jul 2022 - 10:03

Woolypaw followed behind Stormdance, tail high with excitement. The weather was perfect for training, a soft breeze rufflung his thick fur. Stormdance seemed a little nervous, he noted, but he supposed that even a great cat like him would be worried about his first apprentice. Woolypaw, for his part, tried to stand as tall and confident as he could to ease his mentor's mind. He was determined to show him just how good of an apprentice he could be. And it seemed to work, as Stormdance grew more visibly confident as they walked. "Will we be covering the whole border, then? I've never been so far out- do you reckon we'll see enemy cats? Will I be able to smell them, at least?" He hoped something exciting would happen- not a fight, necessarily, but even just seeing something out of the ordinary would be amazing for his first time going outside of camp with his mentor.

Learn With Me [c] CWNAdMS
Woolywing of RiverClan-45/90*
Butterfly the Loner-40/100
Blackbear of SkyClan-50/120
Lousekit of ShadowClan-10/30

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Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrensong (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1050
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyTue 19 Jul 2022 - 14:31


Oh, stars, Stormdance certainly hoped they didn’t run into any enemy cats. After all the conflict with Skyclan recently, Stormdance was all too happy to stay well within his own borders. Things didn’t come to blows between the clans, but it was a very near thing. Besides, Stormdance hadn’t personally participated in much in the way of border skirmishes. And the last thing he wanted was for his apprentice to experience something like that on his very first day.

“Probably not,” Stormdance started, but one look at his apprentice's hopeful expression made his chest do a little squeeze. “But you never know. And I do want you to get to know the scents as much as possible and get to know our borders. The Riverclan borders are more separated than most due to the river, but you’ll still be able to get an idea of the different smells of the clans. At least enough that you can recognize most by your first gathering."

“Speaking of,” Stormdance said, nodding towards the river close by. The camp wasn’t at all far from the river and the borders that lay beyond. He approached the riverbank, pushing through the reeds and holding them down so that Woolypaw could pass by unobstructed. “Here’s the river up close.” He came to sit on the bank, tail gently swishing up the sand and rocks. “Across this bank is Thunderclan territory. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Try not to focus on the smell of the river, but what’s beyond it. Can you see how their scent is different from ours?” Stormdance instructed softly.

RC Tier 5 Warrior

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Tier 1 Warrior

SC Tier 2 Warrior

SkC Tier 3 Warrior


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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : (W)oolywing, (B)lackbear, (Bu)tterfly
Clan/Rank : (W) RiverClan T3 Warrior, (B) SkyClan T4 Warrior, (S) T1 Loner
Aries Rooster
Number of posts : 829
Gender : He/him
Age : 19

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyWed 20 Jul 2022 - 8:50

Woolypaw looked around curiously as Stormdance mulled over his question, taking everything in. This was the furthest he'd ever gone out of camp, and it was exhilarating. Already the scenery was different from anything he'd known; plants he'd never seen before dotted the landscape and he could hear far clearer the birdsong he only got snippets of from camp. His walk turned to a happy trot subconsciously as he tried and somewhat failed to keep the excitement in.

His excitement faded only a little as Stormdance informed him that they probably wouldn't spot any enemy cats. He had been hoping to see what other Clan cats looked like... But maybe it was a good thing, he reckoned, since he doubted he'd win in a fight against enemy warriors. Still, it would've been fun to at least see them. "Will I really be able to tell their smells apart? That's really cool, if I will." He trotted up to the river at Stormdance's behest, watching the water softly flow past him. If he looked really close, he could see a few silvery shapes in the water- fish! He couldn't tell quite what kind they were. Maybe minnows?

He looked back up at Stormdance, who had sat down. "ThunderClan territory, wow! It's really smart that we have a river for a border, seeing as we're the only ones who swim. We can get to them but they can't get to us!" He grinned, delighted with how cool RiverClan was. He tried to calm himself down a little, then, so he could concentrate on Stormdance's instruction. He closed his eyes and leaned towards the other side of the river. He took a deep breath and tried to identify the smells. He could definitely smell the river, just as Stormdance had said. He tried his best to ignore it, which wasn't too hard since it was a smell fairly familiar to him. He could vaguely smell the greenery on the other side. He'd seen the trees before he'd closed his eyes and now he could smell them- ThunderClan was definitely more wooded than RiverClan. There was an odd smell there too, once he reached past the trees... Cats! Those were cats! His eyes shot open. "Stormdance, I smell them! ThunderClanners! It's a very far-away smell but there's definitelt cats on the other side of the river! They smell like RiverClanners, but... Earthy?" He hesitated a little at the end, unsure what actually differentiated their scents. He could tell they were different, but the specifics were lost on his untrained nose.

Learn With Me [c] CWNAdMS
Woolywing of RiverClan-45/90*
Butterfly the Loner-40/100
Blackbear of SkyClan-50/120
Lousekit of ShadowClan-10/30

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Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrensong (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1050
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyFri 22 Jul 2022 - 16:45


Stormdance smiled as he watched Woolypaw’s face. It was nice, seeing Woolypaw’s clear excitement and joy over learning. There was none of the nervousness Stormdance displayed as an apprentice, which would likely serve Woolypaw well. Though Stormdance knew that a little bit of healthy caution was good as well, Woolypaw was also clearly ready to listen to his instructions. His smile widened as Woolypaw recognized the scent on the other side of the river.

“Very good, Woolypaw.” He praised. “It can be difficult to identify exactly what differentiates the scents when you first smell them, but it’ll become more clear as time goes on. And especially once you spend time with the other clans up close.” He rose to his feet, flicking his tail in indication as he walked alongside the shore. “And you’re precisely correct in the advantage we have in the river. Not only do we have more access to steady prey even in leafbare, but the river protects us as well as provides for us.”

“That being said, of course, we must always keep our guard up. There are still plenty of areas where the river is shallow or that other clans can cross more easily.” Stormdance paused, then looked at Woolypaw again and gave a soft smile. “Still. While I’m sure the other clans have their own interesting things, I personally think that our territory is the coolest.” He wrinkled his nose a bit playfully, breaking the seriousness he’d had for just a moment, before looking forward again.

He looked across the river and absently rubbed his cheek against a scent marker. “About there is where the Thunderclan and Skyclan border is.” He said, nodding towards the general area. Stormdance knew full well that the issues between Skyclan and Riverclan were over, but still, his guard went further up as they walked along the edge of their territory, thinking of what happened to Cloverheart. “Our border with Skyclan is not as expansive as the one with Thunderclan,” Stormdance said, “But it’s important that you know where it is regardless.”

RC Tier 5 Warrior

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Tier 1 Warrior

SC Tier 2 Warrior

SkC Tier 3 Warrior


My Cats!

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : (W)oolywing, (B)lackbear, (Bu)tterfly
Clan/Rank : (W) RiverClan T3 Warrior, (B) SkyClan T4 Warrior, (S) T1 Loner
Aries Rooster
Number of posts : 829
Gender : He/him
Age : 19

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyTue 26 Jul 2022 - 9:43

Woolypaw beamed at the praise, glowing. Stormdance's assurance that he'd get better at it with time only widened his smile. He nodded, not in answer to any question but moreso to dispel the excitement in his body urging him to move. "Thank you, sir! Do they all smell different to you, then?" He looked back out at the ThunderClan side of the border, trying to catch another whiff- but then he heard Stormdance walking away and he had to trot over to catch up with the grey tom. He listened as Stormdance once again confirmed what he'd said, sending a warm glow of happiness to his chest. He was doing well! He hadn't been worried about disappointing Stormdance per se, but it made Woolypaw quite happy that he'd gotten every answer right so far.

He looked down at the river as they walked, eyes darting back and forth as they followed the silvery fish that danced through the current. The river really did provide for them. The fish were so plentiful and reproduced so fast that it was hard for any RiverClanner to go hungry. Woolypaw himself had put on a lot of weight since kithood owing to the fish, padding his body with protective fat that Mother assured him was healthy and would come in quite useful in Leafbare. He listened to Stormdance's warning that the river wasn't infallible and noticed a few loose rocks offering a bridge of sorts across the water, as if to prove his mentor's point. "I see! I suppose that's why we need patrols. Are apprentices allowed on defense patrols? I would love to help defend our Clan, even if there was no fighting or anything. Could you take me on one?" It was more of a hypotherical question than anything, but properly encountering other cats and their scents would probably be very good for his education.

He returned Stormdance's smile with his own playful grin, whiskers twitching. "Yeah, me too! And we can swim. I'd like to see a SkyClanner who can do that!" As if on cue, Stormdance showed him the SkyClan-ThunderClan border. There really were a lot more trees on the other side of the river, trees which gradually shifted from deciduous to evergreen as they walked further by the SkyClan border. He looked up, amazed at the height of some of their trees- RiverClan had trees, of course, but they paled in comparison. "Wow." He said softly. "Those are pines, right? Do they really climb those? It seems... Awfully high up." He sniffed, smelling the overpowering fragrance of sap. How did they hunt with such a distracting smell around? "Surely it must be harder to hunt with all those trees?"

Learn With Me [c] CWNAdMS
Woolywing of RiverClan-45/90*
Butterfly the Loner-40/100
Blackbear of SkyClan-50/120
Lousekit of ShadowClan-10/30

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Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrensong (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1050
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

Learn With Me [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Learn With Me [c]   Learn With Me [c] EmptyTue 26 Jul 2022 - 16:07


Stormdance nodded. “They all smell very distinct,” He said. “Shadowclan is the only clan you won’t be able to identify until you interact with them up close. We don’t share a border with them, and it’d be extremely odd to find a Shadowclan cat this far from their territory. They smell..” He trailed off. “To say they smell somewhat close to mud sounds a bit rude, but it’s the best comparison I can think of. It’s the marsh that they live near, I think. We don't have the same kind of marshy areas in our territory, so it's hard to describe.” He looked to his side, smiling at the way Woolypaw’s eyes were taking everything in, absorbing what Stormdance told him eagerly. He really was a quick learner.

“And yes, there are rarely enough warriors to fill out a patrol on their own. And besides, it’s important to get that experience as an apprentice. Next time I go on a border patrol, you’ll almost certainly be coming with me. Sometimes you’ll even go on patrols without me there to help you get to know the other warriors,” Stormdance explained. “You’ll get plenty of chances to explore the territory. If you ever just want to go hunting or anything, you can always come ask me. Though take care not to leave camp without a warrior with you, for safety.”

Stormdance chuckled at Woolypaw’s comment, then followed his gaze back towards the tall trees on the Skyclan’s border. “Those are pines,” Stormdance confirmed. “Perhaps it doesn’t seem as intimidating to a Skyclanner, who’s grown up around them. And they do have more access on their territory to things like birds or squirrels, which aren’t as common on our side of the river.” He shrugged lightly. “Though, I’ll be honest, the thought of all those trees around me while I’m trying to hunt seems…awfully claustrophobic.” Stormdance huffed a small laugh, suppressing a very real shudder at the idea. “Skyclan cats tend to smell pretty strongly of sap and pine.”

RC Tier 5 Warrior

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Tier 1 Warrior

SC Tier 2 Warrior

SkC Tier 3 Warrior


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