Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Dust of SkyClan

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2 posters


Characters : Dustpaw (♰)
Sagittarius Cat
Number of posts : 21
Gender : Female
Age : 24

Dust of SkyClan Empty
PostSubject: Dust of SkyClan   Dust of SkyClan EmptyTue Jul 14, 2020 2:48 am

Cat Name: Dustkit, Dustpaw, Dustadder

Tom or She-Cat: She-Cat

Appearance:Dust of SkyClan Dustki10
Dustkit is a silver tortie maine coon with quite a few odd genes mixed in. She is fairly large and often stands about as full of pride and tall as she can, though she is slightly smaller than her father due to mixed genes and females generally being smaller in stature. Her fur is roughly medium~long in length, a trait gained from her dear mother who indirectly has cursed her with suffering quite a bit during the heat of Greenleaf; this fur is very soft to the touch and has a mix of grey and black striping against a white base with a few splotches of cream here and there, the most obvious cream splotch being mostly the right side of her face and top of her head and ears. Her paws and most of her underbelly are also a pure white where the colors seem to fade into the white. When matured, her eyes will be a bright, almost acidic green that's hard to miss.

Under all the fur Dust is solidly built and has well-muscled haunches being part of SkyClan.

Personality: "Sweetheart" is not how Dust should be referred to as she is anything but. She is incredibly prideful and not afraid to show off whenever the opportunity arises: be this with how large a prey item she can take down when compared to others her age (or even older cats as she ages), her intelligence and unwavering confidence to deal with situations, or simply her large size, amplified by all the fur, when compared to most other cats. If any conversation turns sour she would be the first to allow her words to turn nasty, no matter how polite the other cat talking to her may be.

When around family she is about as "sweet" as she'll allow herself to be. If anything, she's just ever so slightly less nasty. Regardless of how she speaks and sometimes struts about, she is fiercely loyal to her family and her family alone. She believes the Clans cannot be all they're cracked up to be, and the so-called "StarClan" is the silliest thing in existence, they're just dead cats that just couldn't simply die and leave themselves be--no, they had to exalt themselves and be "special". She'll play nice when necessary so as to not get herself torn to shreds by all the believers surrounding her wheresoever she may go, but behind their backs she will always be cursing StarClan and other trivial things other cats get themselves into.

Clan: SkyClan

Origins: Bloodstrike x Smokefeather ("Soon")

((Hoping I did all this right, also wasn't entirely sure if I absolutely had to include a picture of some sort but I figured I'd add the picture I based her appearance off of ^^; I might also change her personality a teeny bit as I develop her more as a character but I'm not entirely sure at the moment.))
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : *Dustcloud {D}, *Blazeflight {B}, *Silentstrike {Sil}, *Gustpuddle {G}, *Swiftflight {Sw}, *Fennelpaw {Fn}, *Jaysong {Ja}, *Fallowlight {Fa}, *Fern {Fe}, *Brackenberry {Br}, *Ivystar {Iv}, *Specklekit {Sp}, *Beanheart {Be}, *Freckleface {Fr}, Briarthorn {Br}, *Eris {E}, *Hyacinthia {Hy}, *Otterdance {Ot}, Nightbird {Ni}, *Olivepaw {Ol}, Smudgekit {Sm}
Clan/Rank : Tier Five SkyClan Warrior {Br}, Tier Two SkyClan Warrior {Ni}, WindClan Kit {Sm}
Leo Monkey
Number of posts : 4841
Gender : they/them or username :)
Age : 19

Dust of SkyClan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dust of SkyClan   Dust of SkyClan EmptyTue Jul 14, 2020 1:57 pm

approved! welcome to WCC! :D

Dust of SkyClan Maplesig3

♛  Site Baby Sister  ♛

| Briarthorn | Nightbird | Smudgepaw |
| T5 SkC Warrior | T2 SkC Warrior | WC Apprentice |
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