Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
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 red hearts, falling cedars [closed]

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2 posters

red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 11:26 pm

SkyClan was not respected by the other Clans. Redfall wasn't an idiot. He knew that. He wanted to show them that SkyClan was strong. He didn't know that he was missing the point, that SkyClan wasn't respected because of the Gathering (there was the matter of him staying, but... that was a touchy subject), and they needed to show compassion rather than aggression. Without realizing it, Redfall was tearing open a healed wound - well, it wasn't even healed yet, and wouldn't be for a while. But he was certainly undoing what little process SkyClan had made, trying to redeem themselves.

He found himself along the border between ThunderClan and their own territory. The log was the border, so he could be on it, right? He wasn't technically in ThunderClan territory. Redfall didn't think there was anyone else around, but he'd fight if someone came - he wanted to, really. The ginger tabby leapt onto the oak, gazing around idly, claws scoring marks in it. Perhaps he should leave before anyone saw him-- no, he would prove he was strong, was a loyal member, could win a fight. He'd stay here until he was challenged, and that was that.
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Taurus Rat
Number of posts : 1466
Gender : they/them
Age : 16

red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyThu Jun 25, 2020 9:19 am

Cedarheart had been out on a little walk. She had Quailpaw to train, but he was spending the day playing in camp, and she didn’t want to disturb that. Being a young apprentice was an amazing time, and he deserved some fun after all of his hard work. She was quietly marking the borders again when she spotted something at the Skyclan border. A red tom, just standing there. He wasn’t Thunderclan, and as she got closer she realized he smelled distinctly Skyclan. Most of the time, an accidental crossover would result in the cat scurrying back over the border, but not this time. She stared at him, confused, before asking, ”What exactly are you doing here?” If he had a message for Oakstar or something of the sort, then she didn’t want to attack him. Not just yet. She’d give him a chance to explain himself.

Thunderclan Apprentice

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red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptySun Jun 28, 2020 6:46 pm

Unlucky for this ThunderClan she-cat, Redfall was in the mood for a fight, and guessed it wouldn't take long for him to get one. "Patrolling. What are you doing? The forest is dangerous for lost kitties, though. Are you sure you'll be all right?" He knew this 'lost kitty' was a ThunderClan warrior and would likely defend her Clan's honor by attacking. From his leering tone, Cedarheart would know he didn't actually care about her. Obviously. Redfall relaxed onto his haunches in a deceptively ready pose. He looked defenseless, but his legs were tensed in the hope he'd be attacked. Redfall licked a paw and swiped it over his ear, adopting a nonchalant expression as he waited for Cedarheart's response.
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Taurus Rat
Number of posts : 1466
Gender : they/them
Age : 16

red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptySun Jun 28, 2020 11:22 pm

Cedarheart was expecting him to say something dumb, to be frank. Standing like an idiot on a log wasn’t very intimidating, no matter what he thought. Even if she was a pretty nice she-cat, if someone got on her nerves...Luckily, she knew how to comeback form an insult. ”Ah, I see. Patrolling by standing on a log and staring at our trees. How productive.” she said smugly. ”Also, lost kitty? You are the most lost-looking cat I’ve ever seen. A cat who is obviously” she took a large whiff to get his scent. ”Skyclan.” she decided. ”Doesn’t have the need to be standing here.” explained the warrior. But she wasn’t done yet. His clan had opened another pathway. ”I think I know what’s going on. You fled with the rest of your clan at the battle with the Righteous Few, and now you’re trying to make up for it by proving yourself in battle. Huh?” she jeered. The leaving of that clan had ticked her off. Who just left those in need, to leave them to fight alone. Cowards. That’s who.

Thunderclan Apprentice

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red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyMon Jun 29, 2020 1:03 pm

Every. Single. Time.

Redfall was always accused of leaving with SkyClan, when he had actually stayed. His green eyes darkened as he stared at Cedarheart. "I stayed," he growled. "I stayed and fought at that battle. But with the way you're acting, maybe I shouldn't have." His words were acidly spit out through his mouth. How dare this petulant little she-cat accuse him like this? He'd gone through a lot after that battle, and here she was, jeering at him like he was in the wrong. He'd make her beg for mercy under his claws, make her plead for him to stop... and he wouldn't. No, he would go to show just how much she had angered him. "Real warriors use claws, kit." Paws thrumming on the log, the ginger tabby thrust himself forwards and up, balancing easily on short legs to slice at Cedarheart's face. His satisfaction grew with each new spurt of red that ran down her face, and he only stopped when his claws were stained with scarlet. Crouching back onto his front paws, his tail lashed fiercely through the air. "How's that for a lost kitty, huh? Bet you thought I couldn't fight."

Redfall used Rear-Up to Slash, dealing 13 damage and costing 15 stamina.


60/60 hp
200/200 sp | -10

32/45 hp | -13
160/160 sp
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Taurus Rat
Number of posts : 1466
Gender : they/them
Age : 16

red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyTue Jun 30, 2020 8:49 pm

The brown tabby watched his eyes darken with anger. What had she said? Maybe it was a little rude, but he had started it. And now she was sounding like a kit! Seriously, she needed to control her temper sometimes. After he explained that he stayed, she looked up at him in a respectful surprise. Then she realized how annoying she must’ve sounded. ”Ok. Look, I’m sorry for saying that. It was rude. But it just...seeing some of your clan leave? It was disheartening, to say the least. It was frustrating.” she explained, hoping he would understand. But the way he sounded, it seemed he didn’t. [color=#ffcc00]”And you’re the one calling me kit!”[/colof] she laughed angrily. ”Real warriors don’t just insult the first cat they see!” she retaliated. As he sliced at her face, she yowled in shocked pain. ”Oh, don’t you worry.” she hissed. ”I can fight back.” she said, her eyes glinting with rage. She sensed a tree behind her, and scrambled up quickly, before leaping back down onto him. It was a move he could likely use as well, being Skyclan, but she was more accustomed to the forest they stood in.

Cedarheart used Tree Spring, dealing 10 damage and costing 15 stamina!
50/60 hp (-10)
190/200 sp

32/45 hp
145/160 sp (-15)

Thunderclan Apprentice

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red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:47 pm

Hissing as the ThunderClan tabby attacked him, Redfall rolled over and back onto his feet, bouncing on his feet. Adrenaline surged through him as he thought about his next move. “You might not want to try to fight in trees against a SkyClan cat. The ginger tabby knew there wasn’t enough time for him to get up a tree, though, so he stayed on the ground. Teeth bared, Redfall leapt onto his opponent’s back, sinking his back claws in and slicing her back with his front claws. “Honestly, I expected a little more of a fight from a ‘real warrior’. But then again, ThunderClanners aren’t really warriors.” He knew it would aggravate her; he wanted it to. Wanted her to fight as best she could so that he could beat that, and make her feel worse about herself.

Redfall used Leap and Hold, dealing 11 damage and costing 10 stamina, pinning Cedarheart. Works for 2 turns.

50/60 hp
180/200 sp | -10

Cedarheart [pinned]
22/45 hp | -10
145/160 sp

Last edited by SalsaClaus on Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15196
Age : 30

red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:47 pm

The member 'SalsaClaus' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Effect Dice' : 4

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Mistpe10
red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Sig2
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Taurus Rat
Number of posts : 1466
Gender : they/them
Age : 16

red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 10:40 pm

Cedarheart wasn’t loving this tom, to say the least. The way he got under her skin? Ugh, it made her want to tear him apart with her claws. But she supposed that was the intent of what he was doing, to make her aggravated. But still, now that they were battling, she didn’t want to let him get away without getting a good bashing. ”I’d consider my clan a real warrior compared to the ones that abandoned us. Even if you stayed, the rest of your clan didn’t. I wouldn’t say anything about Thunderclan in your circumstances.” she hissed, ready to turn back around and claw at him. But the pain and force of Redfall’s claws set in, and she struggled to get out of his grasp. She grunted with a mix of pain and frustration as she tried to flip around to attack. But in the end, his strength won over her attempts, and she was stuck.

Cedarheart is pinned!

50/60 HP
180/200 SP

22/45 HP
145/160 SP

Thunderclan Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: red hearts, falling cedars [closed]   red hearts, falling cedars [closed] Empty

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