Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Warrior Name Suggestions

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4 posters


Characters : Dandelionpaw
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan
Scorpio Snake
Number of posts : 112
Age : 22

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 10:49

My kit's name is Dandelionkit. Can you think of any suffixes that would go really well with Dandelion?
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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 10:55

here's some of the suffixes and prefixes I use, for my thought I would think Dandelionflower or Dandelionheart but anyway here's the link [url=http://forums.warriorcats.com/topic/warrior-name-meanings]http://forums.warriorcats.com/topic/warrior-name-meanings
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Characters : Gingerpaw; Slatepaw; Eclipse
Clan/Rank : {G}: Thunderclan/Apprentice; {S}: Thunderclan/Apprentice; {E}: Asylum/Nightstriker
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 4075
Gender : Female/ She/her
Age : 23

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 10:57


These are just a few of them



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Characters : Falconpaw(Rowan), Hawkswoop(Diesel) Morningfog, Bat,Lightningstrike,Glass,Pepper, Webtail, Harepaw, Robinflight, Pinepaw, Clearkit
Cancer Horse
Number of posts : 2907
Age : 21

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 11:07

Dandelionblossom (A bit wordy but, it sounds nice to me.)
Dandelionspirit (A determined cat.)
Dandelionflight (Strong legs/ jumping ability.)
Dandelionroot (Tabby)

Warrior Name Suggestions Siggy11
Warrior Name Suggestions Otp_ot10


Don't be afraid to PM me if you want me in your plot, I'll most likely say yes!

Things to look for:

Look closely at Pepper's text color, it changes to a lighter color as her plot progresses!

Any topic that affects a cross between Bat and Pepper will have something to do with fire.

Morningfog will occasionally have a topic that relates to mornings. These may or may not be important. It's mostly just for fun.
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Characters : Dandelionpaw
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan
Scorpio Snake
Number of posts : 112
Age : 22

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 11:11

Thank you, Thinstripe, Cloverpool, Lettuceturtle!  I found your suggestions very helpful.  I especially liked Dandelionflower, Dandelionheart, Dandelionblossom, and Dandelionpool.  Also, that site will be very helpful when I create new cats, Thinstripe.
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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 11:12

Your welcome :3
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Characters : Falconpaw(Rowan), Hawkswoop(Diesel) Morningfog, Bat,Lightningstrike,Glass,Pepper, Webtail, Harepaw, Robinflight, Pinepaw, Clearkit
Cancer Horse
Number of posts : 2907
Age : 21

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 11:34

No problem. ;)

Warrior Name Suggestions Siggy11
Warrior Name Suggestions Otp_ot10


Don't be afraid to PM me if you want me in your plot, I'll most likely say yes!

Things to look for:

Look closely at Pepper's text color, it changes to a lighter color as her plot progresses!

Any topic that affects a cross between Bat and Pepper will have something to do with fire.

Morningfog will occasionally have a topic that relates to mornings. These may or may not be important. It's mostly just for fun.
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Characters : Gingerpaw; Slatepaw; Eclipse
Clan/Rank : {G}: Thunderclan/Apprentice; {S}: Thunderclan/Apprentice; {E}: Asylum/Nightstriker
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 4075
Gender : Female/ She/her
Age : 23

Warrior Name Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions EmptySat 12 Mar 2016 - 11:52




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PostSubject: Re: Warrior Name Suggestions   Warrior Name Suggestions Empty

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