Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike.

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Characters : Softsong (deceased), Tunnelheart (deceased), Monarchwing (deceased), Owlfeather (deceased), Echo (deceased), Brightwing (deceased), Meadowfall (deceased), Spirit ( formerly known as Coalspirit) (deceased), Sandfire, Peonyflower (deceased), Swampkit (deceased), Swirlspirit (deceased), Tunnelpaw(deceased ), Dream Peircer(deceased), Brokenflame(deceased), Roaringpaw(gone), Songpaw(deceased), River (used to be known as Rushreed)(mia),Cobraeyes, Lilypaw(deceased), Ravenpaw(MIA),Swanpaw(MIA), Fracturedsnow , Tallpaw, Dappledkit, Juno
Clan/Rank : Sandfire: Shadowclan warrior///// Cobraeyes:Thunderclan warrior////// Fracturedsnow-Shadowclan newly made warrior ///// Tallpaw- Windclan Apprentice////\\ Dappledkit- Thunderclan kit///// Juno -Rogue
Libra Tiger
Number of posts : 3484
Age : 25

kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike. Empty
PostSubject: kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike.   kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike. EmptySat Feb 28, 2015 10:07 pm

Mother's Name:Tunnelheart
Origins:full blooded

Father's Name:Darksyrike
Origins:full blooded though kittypet/loner and Halfclan (im not completely sure how to put this)

Adopted Kits?:there can be i think but i prefer at the moment birth


kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike. Dcyxblj-0fae8589-8411-4d0d-99bd-3ef79d772f7b
N.A Warrior•Apprentice•kit
No apprentice•n/a •N/a
Lark of RC(to be mate)  •to be Hawkpaw•n/a
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Characters : Softsong (deceased), Tunnelheart (deceased), Monarchwing (deceased), Owlfeather (deceased), Echo (deceased), Brightwing (deceased), Meadowfall (deceased), Spirit ( formerly known as Coalspirit) (deceased), Sandfire, Peonyflower (deceased), Swampkit (deceased), Swirlspirit (deceased), Tunnelpaw(deceased ), Dream Peircer(deceased), Brokenflame(deceased), Roaringpaw(gone), Songpaw(deceased), River (used to be known as Rushreed)(mia),Cobraeyes, Lilypaw(deceased), Ravenpaw(MIA),Swanpaw(MIA), Fracturedsnow , Tallpaw, Dappledkit, Juno
Clan/Rank : Sandfire: Shadowclan warrior///// Cobraeyes:Thunderclan warrior////// Fracturedsnow-Shadowclan newly made warrior ///// Tallpaw- Windclan Apprentice////\\ Dappledkit- Thunderclan kit///// Juno -Rogue
Libra Tiger
Number of posts : 3484
Age : 25

kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike. Empty
PostSubject: Re: kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike.   kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike. EmptySun Mar 01, 2015 9:48 pm

Im not keeping this open any longer... id rather not keep this up for a straight week so if anyone wants to just pm me but it'll be adopted.

kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike. Dcyxblj-0fae8589-8411-4d0d-99bd-3ef79d772f7b
N.A Warrior•Apprentice•kit
No apprentice•n/a •N/a
Lark of RC(to be mate)  •to be Hawkpaw•n/a
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kits for Tunnelheart and Darkstrike.
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