Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 The Word "Storm"

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2 posters


Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 16:56

If you think "storm", the first word that would probably come to your mind is "maelstrom". You would probably think of wind whipping black clouds across the sky, with rain tumbling down relentlessly. It would all be a swirl of colors and wild thoughts, all blended together in a song of chaotic harmony. That description fit the night perfectly.
Rain drenched the flat, rugged landscape, with thunder seeming to pound the Earth itself. Everything seemed dark and grey, the blackness broken only by two small sets of eyes. The possessors of those eyes were two, tiny kits, who were soaked to the skin. Their plaintive gazes swept over the wind-blown land, just to find more rolling hills. Then one kit—a dark grey one with eyes like embers—spotted a ring of gorse bushes that seemed to shelter a dip in the ground. He nudged the other kit—his sister, who was a silver tabby with eyes as blue as a winter sky—toward the sheltered area. They then scurried over to the dip, and found a prickly  tunnel which led under the bushes. They scuttled into the tunnel...and stepped out to find a clearing full of WindClan cats.
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 17:03

Nightpaw turned. Her watery blue eyes bore into the two kits.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 17:33

While the silver she-kit gazed around at the sight before her, the grey tom saw a young cat fix her with a pair of watery blue eyes. Taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to speak to her. "Uh... h-hello", he stuttered weakly, his stubby legs shaking.
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 17:59

Nightpaw twisted around. She tilted her head.
"Hello," she nodded.
"I'm Nightpaw, wind clan apprentice, who are you?" Nightpaw asked with a gentle voice.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 18:17

The silver she-kit had notice her brother speak to the so-called Nightpaw-Windsomething-Apprentice, and now the she-kit listened intently,wondering what her brother would say. The grey tom stepped forward, his whole body quivering with fear, but managed to keep his cool. "I'm S-Smoke", he mumbled,"and t-this is m-my sister R-Rain".
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 18:27

"Nice to meet you. Let's get you two some shelter. We'll see if any of the queens will take care of you," Nightpaw lead the, to the nursery. She peeked in and looked around.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 18:37

Uncertain, Rain glanced at her brother, wondering if they should follow this strange cat. Smoke flattened his ears suspiciously, but reluctantly trailed after the apprentice. Rain was a little more hesitant, holding her ground for a few heartbeats, but chose to follow Nightpaw-Windsomething-Apprentice anyway. The two kits felt uncomfortable under the other cats stares, and were relieved to escape the penetrating gazes as they stepped into the darkness of this unfamiliar den.
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 18:43

"This is the nursery, be quiet, other kits sleep in here too," Nightpaw whispered in a hushed voice.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" EmptyFri 11 Apr 2014 - 18:54

Smoke glared at the apprentice, then gazed around at the inside of the den. It was quiet and warm, with the scent if milk wafting through the nursery. There were other cats inside the den, mothers with their kits, all sleeping peacefully.
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The Word "Storm" Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Word "Storm"   The Word "Storm" Empty

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