Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Honey with a Feather

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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 2:49

A small giggle escaped from the nursery as a small golden kit came racing out. Soft orange tabby markings covered her body as her white paws pounded on the ground. Honeykit slid a stop, her tail flickering as she spun around to face the nursery. Her yellow eyes glimmered as she watched it with interest; waiting for somebody to come out. After a few moments she let out a small huff, shaking her head. "Come on, Featherkit! This is our first time out of the nursery; stop being such a slow-poke, I wanna see the caaaaaammmmpppp!" The last part of that was nothing more then a whine, but excitement still shone in Honeykit's eyes as she waited for her sibling, her gaze flickering around the camp. Oh wow; it was huge! And oh; those much be trees, and was that a bird over there? All the new sights and noises caused the sort pelt of the kit to prickle. She couldn't help but wonder who she would meet; maybe she would even met Lionstar! She had heard so many stories about him. Her mind started to wander; not really noting if her sister was coming or not anymore.


Honey with a Feather ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : -
Clan/Rank : -
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 3:15

Mosspelt trotted out of the warrior den, tail held high. His morning was going wonderfully, and he planned to keep it that way. He sat down in his favorite shady spot and began scanning the camp for anyone. His eyes landed on Honeykit and smiled at her eagerness. He rose up and padded over "Well hello there young one." he purred.
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 3:25

Honeykit's ears flickered when she heard a voice and turned her head to find Mosspelt looming over her. She let out a gasp; scrambling backwards in surprise. She swallowed as she watched the much larger cat. "Y-You must be M-Mosspelt."  She was facing the deputy of ThunderClan...She knew she had nothing to be afraid of; Mosspelt was the deputy of her Clan after all, but not a lot of cats visited the nursery then you may think, so seeing a much larger cat that wasn't her mother just scared the fur out of her. Her gaze flickered toward the nursery as she tried to clam herself down, there was nothing to be afraid of... Why couldn't Featherkit get out here already?


Honey with a Feather ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : -
Clan/Rank : -
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 3:43

Mosspelt let out a deep laugh as he saw her frightened look. He took a deep breath to cease his laughing and said, sitting down "Yes, I'm Mosspelt. May ask what your name is?" Then he said, just to reassure the kit "You don't have anything to be afraid of. I'm not going to hurt you." he purred.
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 3:52

She nodded slowly; sitting down as she glanced at her paws. "I-I know, Mosspelt. I'm just not to used to seeing cats bigger then me, not a lot of people visit the nursery .." she muttered, shuffling her paw on the ground. Her ears flickered as she returned her gaze back to the deputy. Right; she had forgotten to tell him her name. "It's Honeykit."


Honey with a Feather ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 5:29

Snowkit leapt out of the nursery and started running (As fast as a kit could) around camp. "Yaaay!" She squeaked, "It's good to be outside!" She mewed with delight and stopped running when she reached Honeykit and the older tom. "Hi there!" She squeaked to the older tom cat, "My name is Snowkit! What's yours?"

Honey with a Feather Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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Characters : -
Clan/Rank : -
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 5:51

Mosspelt smiled and nodded "That's a nice name, Honeykit." He laughed again as the saw the other kit running around and purred "Why hello Snowkit, I'm Mosspelt." He plopped down onto his belly to make him nearer to their height.
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 6:03

Snowkit smiled and thought about Mosspelts' name. "Oh!" She squeaked, "I heard some older cats in the nursery talking about you! Your the D-Dep-Deputy!" She had had a bit of trouble remembering the word 'Deputy', and felt proud for remembering it.

Honey with a Feather Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 7:06

"Er, thank you, Mosspelt." The young kit grinned when the deputy said that he liked her name, before pausing when Snowkit came up with them. Her ears went back for a quick second. Awww; come on; where was Featherkit? However, she soon perked up and smiled widely at her fellow den-mate. "Hey, Snowkit."


Honey with a Feather ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 18:29

"Hi Honeykit!" She mewed happily, smiling at her friend. Snowkit then sat down, and wrapped her small tail around her tiny paws, making herself comfortable.

Honey with a Feather Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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Thistle (Angel)

Thistle (Angel)

Clan/Rank : T:WC Kit R:TC Kit S:SC Kit
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 2040
Age : 24

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 21:25

A sleek black tom-kit with a grey and cream muzzle appeared out of the kit's den. His green-brown eyes twinkled with life. He raced over to Snowkit, but stumbled and landed with his back on her tail.
"Heh heh. Sorry Snowkit, that rock pushed me!" He explained, smothering a laugh as he lay on his sister's tail.


Hey Thar. No kitties lurking in here ;D:

Honey with a Feather Angel110

Honey with a Feather Tumblr_ly8jl9XfS81qdhwg1

Honey with a Feather 2zs2mud
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 23:45

Honeykit paused when Rookkit came racing out; another frown appearing on her face. Was everykit other then for her sister coming out here? Featherkit must of fallen asleep or something... She however couldn't help but giggle at the black tom as laid on Snowkit's tail. "Hey, Rookkit. Having fun there?"


Honey with a Feather ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Thistle (Angel)

Thistle (Angel)

Clan/Rank : T:WC Kit R:TC Kit S:SC Kit
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 2040
Age : 24

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 23:49

"Eh?" Rookkit could see who was talking, so we wriggled about until flopping on his soft belly. 
"Oh! Hehe, a bit," he smiled at Honeykit. "It sure is sunny today, huh?"


Hey Thar. No kitties lurking in here ;D:

Honey with a Feather Angel110

Honey with a Feather Tumblr_ly8jl9XfS81qdhwg1

Honey with a Feather 2zs2mud
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Characters : -
Clan/Rank : -
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 23:59

Mosspelt nodded, a smile on his muzzle, to Snowkit before laughing lightly at Rookkit. Then he purred "Hello Rookkit. Yes, it is a nice, sunny day." he agreed.
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather EmptySun 16 Jun 2013 - 3:53

Snowkit turned around to her brother and flicked her tail towards the forest that surrounded the camp. "I bet it goes on forever!" She whispered

Honey with a Feather Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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Honey with a Feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey with a Feather   Honey with a Feather Empty

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