Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Lying Underneath the Dead

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2 posters


Characters : Maypaw & Silvershade most notably
Clan/Rank : RiverClan vet
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 2194
Age : 22

Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead EmptyFri 23 Dec 2011 - 15:26

(Pretend i've already gotten into RiverClan, badger's not on and I want to RP ;-;)

Singekit sat underneath the stars, ontop of one of hte few trees around the RiverClan camp. Gazing at the stars, she suddenly felt really tired-- and went to sleep. Waking up in a place with a large rock in the middle and surrounded by four oaks, she realized she must be at the 'Fourtrees' all of the cats talked about. It felt like mid-greenleaf, and then she looked up and saw a shooting star. She gazed at it for a while, which was really no more than a few seconds, and realized it was going towards her. She ducked out of the way, and then realized it was taking shape: it was a cat! It must be one of StarClan, who the others also talked about. A blue-grey she-cat with bright golden touched down onto the ground. She sat down, and looked at Singekit. "Hello, Naringi. Welcome to the life of a warrior. I was surprised RiverClan took you, being one of their own." she meowed thoughtfully. "Who are you?" Singekit inquired, quite confused upon how this cat knew her kittypet name. "I am Maypaw. I died an apprentice, as the apprentice of Badgerfang, the one who took you into the Clan." she replied, a small tear running down her cheek. "I have a bit of advice for you: Try to stay off of Sparrowflight's tail, and be careful. If you ever wake up in a dark forest full of pine trees, either run or go back to sleep. I do not want you to have to experience what I have." Maypaw got up and touched noses with Singekit, and Singekit was instantly filled with a rush of emotion-- loss. "Oh.. I understand now." Singekit mewled. "Now, it is time to wake up. You're still a kit and you should be playing with Silentkit. She's waiting for you to get up." Maypaw said, and laughed. "Will I ever meet you again?" Singekit asked, still quite intrigued of the older cat. "Yes.. I shall walk with you from now on. Now go.. it is time to wake up." Maypaw was now fading away, and Singekit was beginning to wake up. "No! Wait!" Singekit yowled, and then she stopped. Something else was going on-- she wasn't waking up. Confused, Singekit sat back down, and then she heard something coming from the bushes, and then Maypaw reappeared. "Wait.. Silentkit is going back to sleep, and I want you to be with me when I do this. Come." Maypaw began to pad away, and Singekit followed. They were heading towards RiverClan-- Singekit could tell by scent. As they entered the camp, Maypaw peered into the nursery, and entered quietly. Careful not to wake anyone else up within the dream, she prodded Badgerfang. "Get up." she meowed quietly.
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckfeather, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan T1 Warrior [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7423
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 27

Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead EmptyFri 23 Dec 2011 - 16:12

Badgerfang opened one eye before letting out a yawn. She had just went to sleep, as Silentkit always wanted to play, but Silentkit had just fallen asleep. "Come on...I just went to sleep," she growled before suddenly standing up with surprised when she saw Maypaw. "Maypaw! It is so great to see you again!" Blinking, Badgerfang looked over at Singekit with surprise. "Oh, Singekit, I see you have met Maypaw." Turning, she faced Maypaw, letting out a sigh. "What is it, Maypaw?"


Lying Underneath the Dead ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckfeather ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit (Not pictured)
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC T1 Warrior (30/70) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : Maypaw & Silvershade most notably
Clan/Rank : RiverClan vet
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 2194
Age : 22

Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead EmptyFri 23 Dec 2011 - 16:53

"I wanted to tell you that you made a good choice bringing this one into the Clan. She has an important destiny within her clan, and it involves you and Silentkit, along with herself. If some unusual things happen and Sparrowflight charges into trouble, tell her not to. It will not be until after she is a warrior, and I don't know what will happen, then. You are also destined to be her mentor. She carries my spirit. Now, I must go. Ebonyroot needs me for something.. wait, you know she's your mother, don't you?" Maypaw added.
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckfeather, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan T1 Warrior [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7423
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 27

Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead EmptyFri 23 Dec 2011 - 16:59

Badgerfang nodded, "Yea, I now that she is my mother. Well, goodbye, it was nice seeing you." Badgerfang meowed as she laid down, next to Silentkit, who was still fast asleep.

Occ: You do know that Badger is going to become a elder really soon, don't you? Not sure how yet, but I am working on it.


Lying Underneath the Dead ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckfeather ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit (Not pictured)
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC T1 Warrior (30/70) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : Maypaw & Silvershade most notably
Clan/Rank : RiverClan vet
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 2194
Age : 22

Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead EmptyFri 23 Dec 2011 - 17:55

(She's not that old >.>)

"Well, goodbye, then. Go back to sleep, Singekit. All will be well.." Maypaw meowed, and faded away.
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckfeather, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan T1 Warrior [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7423
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 27

Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead EmptySat 24 Dec 2011 - 6:13

Badgerfang nodded, closing her eyes as she fell asleep.

Occ: Yea, I know. She is going to break her back leg or something, so she can no longer hunt/fight or something. Something is going to happen where she can't be a warrior anymore. That is all I know.


Lying Underneath the Dead ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckfeather ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit (Not pictured)
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC T1 Warrior (30/70) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Lying Underneath the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lying Underneath the Dead   Lying Underneath the Dead Empty

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Lying Underneath the Dead
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