Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1)

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2 posters
not fish

not fish

Clan/Rank : Professional zombie.
Capricorn Buffalo
Number of posts : 6614
Gender : what is gender
Age : 26

The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) Empty
PostSubject: The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1)   The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) EmptyMon 14 Nov 2011 - 13:54

Deadstar yawned.
Hours he had sat out in the frigid, chilly night, staring into the stars. Nostalgia and memories were occupying his head, making it swell and bulge and twist in strange ways. Catching sight of a pretty little silver star, he thought of Featherstar; his lost mate. He'd kept his grief to himself, and hidden it away in the locked, heavily-guarded shrine that was his heart. It was really just a chamber of misery that made him weep at night, call out a quiet lament that not a soul understood. His kits were just another scar on his heart. He sighed, feeling a cool wind crawl over his body. The world had taken much from him; his family, his friends, and his looks, but his faith and spirit had never been touched. Pushing the longing, nagging feeling away, he jumped off of the Highrock and winced. It seemed his shoulders were not what they used to be, fifty moons ago. He didn't want to admit it, but he was aging. He wasn't as lithe as he used to be, and his joints pained him. Slipping into his den, he arranged his moss into a neat circle, and lay down. Sleep came quickly, and so did the dream.

"Long time no see.." he murmured to himself, casting a swift glance around the Dream Territory. The last time he'd been here was when he'd met Rainpaw, whom had told him his ultimate destiny; to lead the suffering ThunderClan into a new light. He had succeeded in rebuilding the Clan, and making it strong and healthy. Times were mostly peaceful at the moment; aside from a couple of rogue skirmishes and the interruption at the last Gathering. Leaping onto a tree, he laid eyes on something familiar: a lightning bolt shape; carefully etched into the bark. I did this! he thought, remembering the time he'd seen Ebonyroot, Tawnypaw and Leopardheart in a dream where they'd been able to walk in fire. The tree was still slightly charred. Gathering himself together on the branch, one leg hanging off, he stared out into the reaches of the misty forest.
Only, did he not know what would happen next.

i was fish the whole time, surprise

The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) I0CCm4
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Feath ❤️

Feath ❤️

Capricorn Rat
Number of posts : 2815
Age : 27

The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1)   The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) EmptySat 19 Nov 2011 - 6:56

The moon in Dream Territory shone bright as the sun. It's silver rays engulfed the all of the forest. A sweet smelling wind blew through the trees, sending the trees and bushes into a whirlwind. A pair of glittering sky blue eyes peered out from the underbrush. "Deadstar...?" She called, her head low to the ground, her big, fluffy, feathery tail sticking straight up.

The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) Gergeg10
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not fish

not fish

Clan/Rank : Professional zombie.
Capricorn Buffalo
Number of posts : 6614
Gender : what is gender
Age : 26

The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1)   The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) EmptyThu 24 Nov 2011 - 4:30

Caucht completely unawares, he nearly fell out of the tree. Regaining his balance, he thought, That voice sounded familiar.. "Who goes there?" he called aloud.
What a dummy. He didn't know the sound of his mate's voice.

i was fish the whole time, surprise

The Dream (Death Plot: Part 1) I0CCm4
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