Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Flick's Creation

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Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation EmptyFri 19 Aug 2011 - 18:46

Cat Name: Flick

Tom or She-Cat: Tom

Favorite Warriors Character: Jayfeather

Familiarity with the series: I’ve read every book!

Appearance: Light brown tabby with bright blue eyes. He has long scars on his spine from a hawk attack many moons ago.

Personality: A somewhat laid-back cat that prefers sleeping over anything else in the world. He can’t stand the thought of fighting, but is always on the lookout for new friends. His favorite pastime outside of sleeping is telling stories.

Origins: Flick was born a kittypet with three elder sisters and an older brother. On his third moon, he was taken to live with new housefolk, and ended up living in a nest with a small Twoleg family that loved to go fishing. Naturally, he accompanied them on their boating excursions, even managing to teach himself how to swim and fish despite how challenging it was. As an abnormally small cat, he was often easily made in to a target—and one day, he was snatched from his peaceful life by a stray hawk. Fortunately he was soon rescued by an older tom-cat named Tabs, who took him to a nearby farmland and taught him a simple way of life there. It was only after Tabs passed away (painfully during a treacherous leaf-bare) did Flick make the farm his official home.

RP Sample: Yawning with a bit more noise than necessary, Flick lifted his head off his paws. Mmm~mm! What a nap! The sun provided just the perfect amount of warmth on his sore back, but the air had a crisp chill to it that gave a nice, comforting contrast. What a beautiful day. As he stretched and twisted his neck to lick his pelt, he guessed that by the position of the sun, it was still early in the afternoon. Prey would be running soon enough, he figured; there was no rush to catch something right away, even despite how his tummy rumbled in protest. Instead of hunting, he decided to make his way up to the rooftop, pawsteps light across the hay-strewn ground and silent when he crept along the wooden support-beams, all the way up to the top. Up there, that was where he sat, and he turned his blue eyes up to the cloudless sky, sighing with contentment. In spite of himself, his mind quickly drifted off in to fond memories; he could remember every sunrise and sunset he and Tabs had spent sitting on that rooftop, just enjoying one another’s companionship… he missed that old tom. But that was okay; he didn’t mind being alone. Plus, there was always that group of wild cats in the nearby forest he could go to if he really got desperate for company…
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Characters : Heatherpaw
Pisces Buffalo
Number of posts : 5137
Age : 27

Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation EmptyFri 19 Aug 2011 - 18:49

So, are you a rogue?
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Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation EmptyFri 19 Aug 2011 - 18:51

Yes~ If that's okay.
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Characters : Heatherpaw
Pisces Buffalo
Number of posts : 5137
Age : 27

Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation EmptyFri 19 Aug 2011 - 19:09

Of course ^^ Approved!
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leafy :3

leafy :3

Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Gemini Cat
Number of posts : 1153
Age : 25

Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation EmptyFri 19 Aug 2011 - 20:38


Have gone on a border patrol [X]
Have gone on a hunting patrol[X]
Have had battle training and know how to use the battle system[]
Have gone to at least one gathering[]
Have been an apprentice for a month[]


Leafflight(current life)

Bloodpelt(not alive yet)

Nightshade(not alive yet)

All Ices lives

Flick's Creation Bri_is10

TT.TT ik I said I would be active and I was'nt, BUT I WILL FROM NOW ON!! >:D

Flick's Creation IDZOzDZJ2FRN6DZJ1FvQ3
plz click my friend :D and me :DFlick's Creation YDZO4DuD4
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Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation EmptyFri 19 Aug 2011 - 21:03

Thank you for approving~!

And thanks for the compliment? XD I've never had a bio be called epic before. Yay~!
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Flick's Creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flick's Creation   Flick's Creation Empty

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