Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Spiderkit's creation

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3 posters


Clan/Rank : /Darkshadow - Rouge/Spiderkit - ShadowClan kit/
Sagittarius Cat
Number of posts : 2560
Age : 24

Spiderkit's creation Empty
PostSubject: Spiderkit's creation   Spiderkit's creation EmptyFri 25 Mar 2011 - 9:02


Cat Name: Spiderkit/paw/foot

Tom or She-Cat: She-cat

Favorite Warriors Character(s): Flametail, Dovepaw, and Hollyleaf.

Familiarity with the series: Read 'em all.

Appearance: Spiderkit's creation Spyder10 Long legged, oddly marked cat. She is named Spiderfoot for her long legs and un-retractable talon-like claws, supposedly resembling the teeth of a spider, yet she hardly ever uses them. (Doesn't show in image, since it's a chibi-fied image of her )

Personality: Extremely kind she-cat, she will avoid fighting if possible, but wont hesitate to rip a trespassers fur.

Origins: Pure-blood WindClan

RP Sample (A short paragraph of how you would RP): The bushes quivered as Spiderfoot stalked nimbly through them, her tail swishing back and forth eagerly at the delicious aroma of nearby prey. The rabbit she was stalking lay perfectly in the middle of the clearing, busily noshing on a small patch of wild garlic, to busy to notice Spiderfoot behind her. She narrowed her eyes, steadied her paws, and leaped out into the clearing, her claws lined up with the rabbit perfectly as she crashed into it, swiftly killing it with a swipe to the neck.

Chis sweet home
=(◕ ‿‿ ◕)=

Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_19Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_22Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_17Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_14Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_20Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_24Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_1-1Spiderkit's creation Chisweethomeicon_9
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Spiderkit's creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spiderkit's creation   Spiderkit's creation EmptyFri 25 Mar 2011 - 19:20

Fluffeh tail is fluffeh >w<'

Has Dark died yet? D:

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Spiderkit's creation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spiderkit's creation   Spiderkit's creation EmptySat 26 Mar 2011 - 5:53

Yeah darkie died

Spiderkit's creation Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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