Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3

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Thistle (Angel)
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Number of posts : 5142

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 3:32

Okayyys, I been rereadin all the books, so i have most recently been reading PoT, and I got to the part where
Plz dun read if you havent read Long Shadows of Power of Three yet.
And it got me thinkin. Had anyone made an RP site about that yet?

Lake Ancients

Plot: Long before the first cats of StarClan existed, the cats of the lake lived. With no basic code to live by, they lived together and survived for many moons before they were led to the mountains to become the Tribe of Rushing Water by the Sharpclaw, Jay's Wing. But now is before that, when the lake cats lived peacefully. But even a peaceful life is full of drama, which may threaten the cats of the lake and cause them to disband, ruining the future. Join the cats, and help rebuild them after the shattering events that have occurred. Now is the time of the lake cats. Now is the time of the Sharpclaws.


Name (Such as Rising Moon or Broken Shadow):
Age (in moons):
Gender (Tom or She-cat):
RP Sample:


Name (Such as Rising Moon or Broken Shadow): Tiger's Fury
Age (in moons): 16 moons
Gender (Tom or She-cat): She-cat
Appearance: Orange with black stripes, red eyes, and very long claws and fangs.
Personality: Wise, yet rarely kind. Vicious, yet noble and an amazing fighter and hunter. Loyal, she does what is right, but is very short tempered.
Origins: A survivor of the devastating events, she has been a key role in the rebuilding of the Sharpclaws.
RP Sample: Tiger's Fury paced the lakebed, her long claws scouring the soft mud beneath her paws. "Fern Shade! Night Song! Hurry up!" she yowled.


Last edited by Tigerfrost~Nightfall on Fri 25 Feb 2011 - 5:06; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 8:11

Name:Snow's Claw
Age:16 moons
Appearance:White with black stripes (like a tiger) and winter blue eyes
Personality:Kind,friendly,loyal,smart ect.
Origins:Born around the same time as Tiger's Fury
RP sample:Snow's claw padded around.She scented a mouse but wasn't sure where it was.She finally pin-pointed its location and creeped up slowly

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 


Last edited by Snow~Frost on Fri 25 Feb 2011 - 3:11; edited 1 time in total
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Thistle (Angel)

Thistle (Angel)

Clan/Rank : T:WC Kit R:TC Kit S:SC Kit
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 2040
Age : 24

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 8:22

Name: Evil Angel
Age: 16
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: White with black over blood-red eyes and down back, black tail, black spot near front left shoulder and black spike in middle of left side.
Personality: Evil, witty, can be nice/kind, loyal, hot tempered, furious, strong, powerful, agile, quick and swift.
Origins: Born same time as Snow's Claw.(If thats okay?)
RP Sample: Evil Angel walked over to a dead mouse. She laughed slightly as she noticed it's cripled body in an awkward position. She was the one who killed it, slowly and painfully. "Mice should not come near me!" she laughed, thingking about eating the cripled mouse. She bent down and sniffed it, then walked away slowly. "I think it can rot away here."


Hey Thar. No kitties lurking in here ;D:

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Angel110

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Tumblr_ly8jl9XfS81qdhwg1

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 2zs2mud
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Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Warrior
Pisces Tiger
Number of posts : 1905
Age : 26

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 10:50

Name (Such as Rising Moon or Broken Shadow): Seasons Leafs

Age (in moons): 10

Gender (Tom or She-cat): She-cat

Appearance: White with orange and yellow leaf shaped spots and amber eyes

Personality: Kind, caring, loyal, fierce

Origins: Born 6 moons after Tigers Fury

RP Sample: Seasons Leafs raced after the small morsel that was a squirrel. Her Tribe didn't have much food, so no matter how small, this would do good. She caught up to the squirrels tail. She snagged it with her claw and pulled it in for the kill.

"Like a shooting star, I will go the distance."

Over three years of WCC memberness!!

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Number of posts : 5142

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 14:09

All three of you, Approved! :DDD

Alrighty, if yall own the books, you should grab yer Long Shadows and reread the part we're RPin about to refresh yer memories. )

Oh, and Season? Shouldn't it be Season's Leaves? Oh, and Snow? Can ya please write the name with both words caps? Thx. :3

Oh, and remember peeps. There is no tribe yet. Just a group of cats that we're gonna call the Sharpclaws. K? .3.

I know, i'm nagging alot, eh? :P

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not fish

not fish

Clan/Rank : Professional zombie.
Capricorn Buffalo
Number of posts : 6614
Gender : what is gender
Age : 26

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 14:39

Tiger this is a great idea :D Cookies for this awsomesauce idea :3

Name (Such as Rising Moon or Broken Shadow): Blazing Spirit (I dun wanna be Dying Frost or whatever -.-' xD)
Age (in moons): 18 moons
Gender (Tom or She-cat): tom
Appearance: gray tom, darker stripes, and brilliant amber eyes and a unique spiral pattern on his chest, coloured black. He also has distinct black streaks coming from behind his eyes, and a white chest behind the swirl pattern and white belly and tail-tip.
Personality: wise, kind, courageous, can be stubborn, but strong-willed and not bothered to sacrifice his time for others.
Origins: His parents were called Shining Star and Black Night.
RP Sample: Blazing Spirit emerged from the shadows, and into the blazing light. He squinted at first, and after a moment, he let them open.
"Blazing Spirit!"
A joyous cry rang out, and Blazing Spirit turned his head to see his sister, Falling Snow, running towards him. She pressed her nose into his entangled fur, and a deep purr rumbled in her throat. "I'm so happy your back!"
Blazing Spirit opened his mouth to respond, when more cats followed the jubilant young she-cat. Cheers and murmurs of relief sprung from the enlarging crowd.
"Your a sharpclaw!"
"Welcome back!"
Blazing Spirit's ears heated. "Thank you." He nuzzled his younger sister's ear, and enjoyed her embrace and the shouts of the crowd.
I'm finally home.

i was fish the whole time, surprise

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 I0CCm4
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Clan/Rank : N/A
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 4295
Age : 25

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 16:41

OOOHohohoh this is a great idea Tigoo! :DDD

Name Shaded Moon
Age (in moons): 12 (almost ready to become Sharpclaw)
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Grey she-cat with almost black under-belly, muzzle, tail and ears. Light grey paws, and pale golden eyes.

Personality: Quiet, shy, keeps to herself, determined.
Origins: Her parents joined the cats before she was born and was born there.

RP Sample: Shaded Moon whipped around and faced the dark entrace to the underground tunnels. She imagined the roar of the giant river as it flooded through the tunnels. Shaded Moon's mother paced around anxiously behnd her.
"Oh, I know you'll do okay, you'll do great! You, you, you'll come out a couple of days after and I'll be so proud and-" She went up to her daughter.
"You'll be alright, right?"


Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Red12
Old Canon
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 17:05

Awesomeness xD

Name (Such as Rising Moon or Broken Shadow): Ebony's root. (U c wut i ded thar? xD)
Age: 13 Moons
Gender (Tom or She-cat): She-cat
Appearance: Black and orange calico she-cat with white paws, chest, and tail-tip.
Personality: Stubborn, playful, and excitable; though clever and serious when need be.
Origins: Her parents are both from the Sharpclaws... Specifics? .__. erm...
RP Sample: Ebony's Root padded into the clearing, a small spring in her step and she proudly carried her first catch of the day, a decently sized mouse which would easily feed her and the one she could share it with; if she so wished.


Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 PDt1Qqd Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Number of posts : 5142

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 21:55

You three are approvededsauce! :DDD

And no Ebs, i dun get it. ._.'

Alrighty, Ima post the first couple chapters of the story before anyone posts, to give people a chance at joining before the storyline starts. :3

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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 21:57

Aw, I thought it was a lame n' obvious thingy. x3 Oh well. Yay!


Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 PDt1Qqd Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Clan/Rank : ThunderClan kit
Leo Rat
Number of posts : 374
Age : 27

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011 - 23:27

Name (Such as Rising Moon or Broken Shadow):Dreaming Angel
Age (in moons):24
Gender (Tom or She-cat):she-cat
Appearance: Pure White she-cat with one blue one green eye
Personality:She is kind hearted towards all
Origins:She was found abondoned and she was callen forgotten echo,but she soon taught them of her skills and they renamed her Dreaming angel.
RP Sample:

Dreaming Angel watched the cats mill in and out of the moist deen she called home.Most of her friends hadn't been her as long as her but she taught them the ways of a Sharpclaw. She then streatched her legs she still needed to hunt for her tribe.
(sorry if it sounds bad but I’m kind of sleepy so my mind is all slow and stuffs)

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Bib10

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Devian10
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Number of posts : 5142

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyFri 25 Feb 2011 - 0:26

Approved! :D Oh, and dun forget, tey is not a tribe yut, so dun call em a tribe. :3

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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyFri 25 Feb 2011 - 3:11

In the books they are called The Ancients :3

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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Number of posts : 5142

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyFri 25 Feb 2011 - 3:14

woah, woah, woah. Where'd ya find that? O.o

But, as we are RPing them at the time they lived, they wouldn't be called ancients. ._.

PS, if anyone can halp me with the story line, PM me. Any halp is appreciated, especially some way to incorporate fire. :3 Writers block. *punches the block* Oww... :P

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Number of posts : 5142

Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3   Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3 EmptyFri 25 Feb 2011 - 5:02

YAY! :D I has redone an old site I had, and made it the ancients! The link is now posted in my first post. :3

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Alrighty, listen up peeps. :3
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