As I am sure that some of you noticed, I created the Tunnel plot and then immediately have been distant/not as active. It may have been a little bit of bad timing on my end, but the first half of the plot is a little slower anyway. However, I will be moving from WA to CT on the 14th. The movers are coming the 13th, and then it will be a 6 day trek to CT. I've been trying to get everything ready, packing, cleaning, finalizing our house, fighting with the Navy. So I haven't had a lot of brain power to spare besides mindless video games. It's almost over though. I won't have my PC for a few weeks, so I won't be able to play video games so I only will have WCC. However, we have a lot to do for the house but I'll be happy probably.
Either way, my point of this is to say, its not permanent and only temporary sparse activity from me due to a very big thing! I am not sure when it'll end, so take this is outstanding notice until I say otherwise, lol.
Astra inclinant...
.: Coyotegrin :: Kestrelchirp :: Quailprowler : Waspswarm : Burnetpaw :.
#9966ff : #cc3300 : #6699ff : #993366 : #ff9900 : #ff66cc
WC T5 Warrior : WC T4 Warrior : TC T4 Warrior : SkC T2 Warrior (Bonus) : RC App
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."