Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Demonkit (Middehs 2nd life)

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Characters : Daffodilpaw, Minnowkit
Clan/Rank : TC App | RC App
Leo Tiger
Number of posts : 2223
Gender : Female-ish
Age : 25

Demonkit (Middehs 2nd life) Empty
PostSubject: Demonkit (Middehs 2nd life)   Demonkit (Middehs 2nd life) EmptyMon 27 Dec 2010 - 19:01

Cat Name: Demonkit {paw}{soul}

Tom or She-Cat: She-cat

Favorite Warriors Character(s): Midnightpelt XD Firestar, Sandstorm, Tigerclaw..blah blah blah

Familiarity with the series: read them all

Appearance: pure white with a black front left paw and green eyes, black "M" on her tummy that stands for Midnight..but she dont know that

Personality: confused and scared on the inside because of her dreams and memories that belonged to Midnightpelt, calm and serene on that outside, opposite of who Midnightpelt was.

Origins: Demonkit was born into Shadowclan. Her parents are _______ and ________ and her brother is Blizzardkit.

RP Sample (A short paragraph of how you would RP):(my first post as Demonkit)

Demonkit woke up with a start and looked around, reassuring herself that she was still in her nest in the nursery. She tried to shake off her newest dream but gave up when she could not. She vaigly understood that Midnightpelt, the she cat from her dreams and thoughts, was a warrior of Shadowclan who had died, attacked by a badger( a animal she had seen in her dreams). What she didnt understadn is that, even though she had never seen the she cat before, that she could dream of her so clearly. She knew that she could not talk to any one else about these dreams and thoughts she had about Midnightpelt, for they would call her crazy, but also because she felt special because she thought she had been selected by Midnightpelts spirit to be the one to hold her memories. She yawned and stretched, this on her mind.

Thunderclan | 20HP / 60SP
Riverclan | 20HP / 60SP
#AC9032 | Daffodilseed Art:
#217DA5 | Minnowdart Art:

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Demonkit (Middehs 2nd life)
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