Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Bumblekit of RiverClan

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Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2338
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

Bumblekit of RiverClan Empty
PostSubject: Bumblekit of RiverClan   Bumblekit of RiverClan EmptyMon Oct 11, 2021 1:31 am

Cat Name: Bumblekit

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: Tom

Appearance: Bumblekit of RiverClan 360_f_10

Personality: Bumblekit is a big ego in a tiny body. He has the mindset that no matter what, he is always right, and nothing can change his mind. And he will do anything, no matter how stupid, to make sure everyone knows it too. He is my official pain in the tail cat that hopefully doesn't end up as terrible as Tawny did.

Clan: RiverClan

Origins: Bearspirit x Dewlight


Bumblekit of RiverClan Sfr52Bumblekit of RiverClan Sfr5bBumblekit of RiverClan Sfr5LBumblekit of RiverClan Sfr5KBumblekit of RiverClan Sfr59
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Bumblekit of RiverClan SfPQh
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Bumblekit of RiverClan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bumblekit of RiverClan   Bumblekit of RiverClan EmptyMon Oct 11, 2021 12:44 pm

approved :D
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Bumblekit of RiverClan
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