Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!]

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3 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 2502
Gender : Big Guy (he/him/his)
Age : 21

Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] Empty
PostSubject: Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!]   Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] EmptySat 18 Sep 2021 - 15:48

In one of many attempts to give Galloway something to do, I give you.... this plot! I was watching Brother Bear and it's worse than I remember it being when I was eleven got an idea.

Galloway is doing his thing when he stumbles upon a very lost and very hungry kitten of weaning-age. Is this kit clan-born? Have they been rejected by their family? Are they a lost kittypet? Are they on their own by accident or on purpose? Do they even have a name? Were they made with this plot in mind or have they existed for a little bit? All of that information is up to the RPer!

He initially tells the kit to get lost and goes off on his merry way before he's hit with an intense amount of guilt. He starts to feel like his own mother, and in a panic goes back for the kit. Even though he's not really too keen on kits, and he doesn't have any interest in or willingness to drag a defenseless baby around, the circumstances surrounding the kit being on their own prevent him from simply returning them to their original home. So, begrudgingly, Galloway brings his new little sibling along for the ride (changing their name to something more ""noble"" if they have a clan name), whatever than entails...

Kit will be under Galloway's protection and receive basic rogue training from him until they're independent, which is also up to you as the kit's roleplayer. How their relationship plays out beyond their initial meeting and partnership is something that can play out through RP.

Not first come first serve, but open to all! Tell me all about your character! Give me your ideas! What Are The Vibes!

》Former Admin《

Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] TpKJUN0

Rushkit | RiverClan Kit | #4b5320
Lionpaw | ThunderClan Apprentice | #cb945f

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Characters : Patchpaw, Beetlestrike
Clan/Rank : [P] TC Apprentice, [B] SkC T1 Warrior
Virgo Rooster
Number of posts : 356
Gender : She/They
Age : 30

Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!]   Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] EmptyFri 24 Sep 2021 - 9:44

Okay, sooo I don't have a kit but Bluepaw is going to be attacked and saved by a twoleg, so maybe he runs into Galloway after that and due to his concussion that will cause him to have lost his memory, he needs some help and tries to tag along. He won't remember where he belongs right away either. Their meeting could even be a fight to fulfill that req for you lol.
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Characters : [B]rindlepaw | [V]ioletsky | [F]oxflower
Clan/Rank : [B] Thunderclan Apprentice | [V] Skyclan T2 Warrior | [F] Windclan Permaqueen
Pisces Rat
Number of posts : 1557
Gender : she/her
Age : 16

Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!]   Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] EmptyFri 24 Sep 2021 - 10:26

I have a future kit in mind who's actual origin would take a while to be revealed ic, but she'd probably be of Windclan origin and have somehow ended up far out of camp (maybe carried off by a bird or something?). The first time they meet, she'd most likely pretend that she didn't need his help anyways, only to be in even more trouble when he returns. After a while of growing up as a rouge, the way the clans seem much better off starts to annoy her, so when the two part ways, she'd try and join Windclan to 'take them down from the inside'. Eventually, she'd discover her parents/family member and calm down a bit, but would still try to change whatever she could on the clan.


character profiles | plotting pages

↣ ↢
Brindlepaw | Thunderclan Apprentice | [20/60]
Violetsky | Skyclan T2 Warrior | [40/100]
Foxflower | Windclan Permaqueen| [50/80]
↣ ↢

deceased/missing: Brighteye, Dappleleaf, Yew, Mistlebright,
Magpiesight, Wisteriabloom, Primroselight, Muddythorn,
Silversnake, Finchpaw, Aoife
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Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!]   Big Brother, I'm Just Like You! [open plot idea!] Empty

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