Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Give my cats love, attempt 2

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Characters : [R]osekit
Clan/Rank : [R] Windclan Kit
Taurus Dog
Number of posts : 248
Gender : she/her
Age : 18

Give my cats love, attempt 2 Empty
PostSubject: Give my cats love, attempt 2   Give my cats love, attempt 2 EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 18:02

Well so Stormpaw almost had a date but then said date died so uh

And my other catto needs a date as well so uhhh

Cat Name: Stormpaw (Soon to be Stormgazer)
Clan: Skyclan
Rank: Apprentice
Tom or She-Cat?: She-Cat

Special Requests: Stormy can go with males or females, but doesn't want kits. She isn't okay with Forbidden Romance, but due to her unique way of seeing the world (as a series of problems with right/wrong answers) she may end up in one if she feels rejecting her admirer is the "wrong" choice.

Cat Name: Salamanderpaw (Salamandernight/Salamanderheart)
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Apprentice
Tom or She-Cat?: Tom

Special Requests: Looking for she-cats and is fine with having kits. His partner must be prepared to deal with the angst that comes with being a villain's son though. I'm not looking for Forbidden Romance but since literally every Shadowclan apprentice are his siblings he might have to

♫ Baby hotline! Please dial 9 to get out!
Give my cats love, attempt 2 FF5-A1316-F958-44-A3-8-B68-0-AADDEADFE23
Slugkit // 10/30 // Shadowclan

♫ No flatline! What were you scared about? ♫
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