Hi Leopardstar! Welcome to WCC! Before you begin roleplaying, there's a few steps you need to complete first, but don't worry! Anyone and everyone will be willing to help you out if you ask!
First, all new characters on WCC start off as kits. To make a character, go to the "Cat Creation" section, and copy the code posted in the rules page. It will ask you what your kit's name is, what gender they are, what they look like, as well as what clan they'll be in. No roleplaying can be done until your character is approved.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, or any other staff member on WCC (we'll have the little cat faces above our profiles.) Also, just a tip for future reference, when a thread hasn't been posted in for over a month, the general rule is that the thread is either over, or has found whatever the thread is looking for. Just a tip for next time. I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread now, but I am always happy to answer any and every question you may have! Best of luck to you!