Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Weirdest Dream Ever

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Characters : Gentlenose[G], Rippleshadow[R], Mistcloud[M], Fawnpaw[F], and Marigoldpaw[A]
Clan/Rank : [G] Young Warrior of Thunderclan | [R] Young Warrior of Riverclan | [M] Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior of Shadowclan | [F] Windclan Apprentice | [A] Skyclan Apprentice
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 784
Age : 22

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyWed 20 Apr 2016 - 21:22

K so I just took like a 5 hour long nap (Typical of me .-.) and I had the WEIRDEST dream ever. I just finished the anime Shiki about a week ago, and it was really scarring. It's basically about two vampires that move into this tiny little village and start killing people. (Prepare yourself for a quickish summary of the entire show...) About 1/3 of the people who they kill rise back up into vampires themselves, so soon the town is running with vampires. Eventually the townsfolk catch on, and this doctor leads a full scale attack and the last two episodes consist of them brutally mudering the vampires. Usually they find them sleeping in their dark little hideouts, pull them out into the sun (Which that itself gets gory because they start bubbling like cheese in an oven), then mercilessly drive stakes into their chests. So gory. Eventually the vampires realize they're losing... Yadahyadah... Then we have Ms. Megami here. All she wanted was to go to the big city and get out of that stupid town. (Her story is relevant to my dream, so bare with me please) But nope, she's one of the first to turn into a vampire. (Possibly THE first :/) She was already mildly mentally unstable, becoming a vampire just drives her ego up more. She starts killing people without a second thought, becomes one of the worst vampires. (Some are still somewhat good. They either regret what they're doing, or just want to actually die and not rise up) In like the last episode, she almost escapes town, but some farmers catch her and start ramming her with tractors. She falls to the ground, and starts screaming about how they know her, she's been their neighbor for years, and all she wanted to do was go to the big city. But nope, they run over her head with a tractor. On screen. The townsfolk have all gone mildly insane by this point. They start killing humans too if there's even the slightest suspicion of them helping the vampires or helping someone else who is. They made the viewers watch as this one guy's entire family got slaughtered. It was disturbing. Anyways, that show really questions your morals... It's also very mentally scarring. Sorry I made you read so much! But it was required for you to understand my dream!

So my dream now. WCC had a vampire cat plotline. Just like in Shiki. No joke. xD So, I signed up Gentlepaw to be a vampire. She basically turned as insane as Megami, and then got murdered by someone. Near the end of my dream, I deeply regretted turning a perfectly nice cat into such a terrible cat. I mean, her name IS Gentlepaw. I had completely ruined all my plans for her. I don't really remember many of the details, but the dream was just ridiculous. I remember being very upset and angry with myself for wasting Gentlepaw like that. I was very relieved when I woke up to find it was a dream. Thank you for reading this messed up post.

:Gentlenose::She-cat::Thunderclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::1/2 Patrols::1.5/2 Months:

:Rippleshadow::She-cat::Riverclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::0/2 Patrols::1/2 Months:

:Mistcloud::She-cat::Shadowclan::Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior:
:Requirements::0/1 Patrol::2/2 Weeks:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::2/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::0/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

Skia's Wonderful Kittens!:

Skia's Kittehs!
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Pisces Rooster
Number of posts : 1332
Age : 19

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 8:25

lol XD

pfp from Bananya

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Characters : Gentlenose[G], Rippleshadow[R], Mistcloud[M], Fawnpaw[F], and Marigoldpaw[A]
Clan/Rank : [G] Young Warrior of Thunderclan | [R] Young Warrior of Riverclan | [M] Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior of Shadowclan | [F] Windclan Apprentice | [A] Skyclan Apprentice
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 784
Age : 22

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 9:56

Yeah. Very glad this site doesn't have vampire cats. xD

:Gentlenose::She-cat::Thunderclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::1/2 Patrols::1.5/2 Months:

:Rippleshadow::She-cat::Riverclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::0/2 Patrols::1/2 Months:

:Mistcloud::She-cat::Shadowclan::Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior:
:Requirements::0/1 Patrol::2/2 Weeks:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::2/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::0/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

Skia's Wonderful Kittens!:

Skia's Kittehs!
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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 13:08

Or werewolfs, you know what that would mean each full moon ;)
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Characters : Gentlenose[G], Rippleshadow[R], Mistcloud[M], Fawnpaw[F], and Marigoldpaw[A]
Clan/Rank : [G] Young Warrior of Thunderclan | [R] Young Warrior of Riverclan | [M] Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior of Shadowclan | [F] Windclan Apprentice | [A] Skyclan Apprentice
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 784
Age : 22

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 14:58

That'd be just messed up xD

:Gentlenose::She-cat::Thunderclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::1/2 Patrols::1.5/2 Months:

:Rippleshadow::She-cat::Riverclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::0/2 Patrols::1/2 Months:

:Mistcloud::She-cat::Shadowclan::Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior:
:Requirements::0/1 Patrol::2/2 Weeks:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::2/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::0/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

Skia's Wonderful Kittens!:

Skia's Kittehs!
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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 15:02

I know right, all cats will be dead. But what if it were a tornado of wolfs....
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Characters : Gentlenose[G], Rippleshadow[R], Mistcloud[M], Fawnpaw[F], and Marigoldpaw[A]
Clan/Rank : [G] Young Warrior of Thunderclan | [R] Young Warrior of Riverclan | [M] Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior of Shadowclan | [F] Windclan Apprentice | [A] Skyclan Apprentice
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 784
Age : 22

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 15:45


:Gentlenose::She-cat::Thunderclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::1/2 Patrols::1.5/2 Months:

:Rippleshadow::She-cat::Riverclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::0/2 Patrols::1/2 Months:

:Mistcloud::She-cat::Shadowclan::Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior:
:Requirements::0/1 Patrol::2/2 Weeks:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::2/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::0/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

Skia's Wonderful Kittens!:

Skia's Kittehs!
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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 15:46

Yes, the new version of Sharknado. I can see it now.
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Characters : Gentlenose[G], Rippleshadow[R], Mistcloud[M], Fawnpaw[F], and Marigoldpaw[A]
Clan/Rank : [G] Young Warrior of Thunderclan | [R] Young Warrior of Riverclan | [M] Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior of Shadowclan | [F] Windclan Apprentice | [A] Skyclan Apprentice
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 784
Age : 22

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 15:47

Weirdest Dream Ever CDxhm76W0AAPhTs

:Gentlenose::She-cat::Thunderclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::1/2 Patrols::1.5/2 Months:

:Rippleshadow::She-cat::Riverclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::0/2 Patrols::1/2 Months:

:Mistcloud::She-cat::Shadowclan::Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior:
:Requirements::0/1 Patrol::2/2 Weeks:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::2/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::0/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

Skia's Wonderful Kittens!:

Skia's Kittehs!
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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 15:48

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Pisces Rooster
Number of posts : 1332
Age : 19

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 20:45

t-t-t-t-t-too much HA! i got lost by the length of the thread width

pfp from Bananya

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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 21:01

Crap I broke the topic....
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Pisces Rooster
Number of posts : 1332
Age : 19

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 21:12

you DID but i think its fixed now

pfp from Bananya

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addie ♥

addie ♥

Characters : Thinstripe (Female, Dead), Eaglefeather (Female, Dead), Lion (Male, Dead), Cherry (Female, Dead), Lulu (Female, Dead), Scout (Male, Dead), Finchshine (Female, Dead), Brokenkit (Male, Dead), Brackenpaw (Male, Dead), Maplepaw (Female, Dead), Toadclaw (Male, Dead), Sedgewhisker (Male, Dead), Newt (Male, Dead), Ivyshine (Female, Dead), Muddyfang (Male, Dead), Adderkit (Male, Dead), Otterfrost (Female, Dead), Emberfall (Female, Dead), Rowankit (Male, Alive)
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Kit
Sagittarius Dog
Number of posts : 4487
Gender : she/her
Age : 17

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 21:15

Good, I've done it once and it wasn't fixed XD
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Characters : Gentlenose[G], Rippleshadow[R], Mistcloud[M], Fawnpaw[F], and Marigoldpaw[A]
Clan/Rank : [G] Young Warrior of Thunderclan | [R] Young Warrior of Riverclan | [M] Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior of Shadowclan | [F] Windclan Apprentice | [A] Skyclan Apprentice
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 784
Age : 22

Weirdest Dream Ever Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever EmptyThu 21 Apr 2016 - 22:06

It's sorta fixed... But still a little wide xD

:Gentlenose::She-cat::Thunderclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::1/2 Patrols::1.5/2 Months:

:Rippleshadow::She-cat::Riverclan::Young Warrior:
:Requirements::0/2 Patrols::1/2 Months:

:Mistcloud::She-cat::Shadowclan::Exiled Newly Appointed Warrior:
:Requirements::0/1 Patrol::2/2 Weeks:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::2/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

:Requirements::1/1 Gathering::1/1 Month::0/2 Patrols::0/1 Battle:

Skia's Wonderful Kittens!:

Skia's Kittehs!
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PostSubject: Re: Weirdest Dream Ever   Weirdest Dream Ever Empty

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Weirdest Dream Ever
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