Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Distantkit Empty
PostSubject: Distantkit   Distantkit EmptyFri 11 Jun 2010 - 19:15

Cat Name: Distantkit - paw - song

Tom or She-Cat: She-cat

Favorite Warriors Character(s): Hurm... Of all of the wonderful characters there, I'd have to say Jawpaw/feather. I love blind/emo-ish cats, so that makes him my favorite.

Familiarity with the series: I've been a bit lazy, so I haven't finished the third series. Oh, well. I have two and a half seriers of knowledge.

Appearance: Distantkit's body is of medium length for a kit, lithe, and with developing muscles. Her legs are slender in proportion to the body, with a fine bone structure. Her paws are small and oval. She has a fairly long tail, broad at the base and tapering to a point. Her head is broad and moderately wedge-shaped, with almond-shaped eyes that are a peircing green-color. Her alert, relatively large ears are broad and cupped at the base, and moderately pointed at the tips, where tufts of hair can be seen. An M-shaped marking can be found in the fur on her forehead. The "M" shaped marking, also referred to "frown lines", appear above her eyes. She has markings, most often referred to as "mascara lines", appearing from the corners of her eyes. Her coat is medium-length, dense, and silky to the touch, with a lilac-color. All in all, she looks like a lilac Abyssinian.

Personality: Distantkit is a cat of loyalty and grace, which pretty much sums up her personality. She is extreamly loyal to her clan and Starclan. She'll follow and carry out any order given to her, even at the cost of her own life. Distantkit never goes back on her word, even if Shadowclan cats most-always lie. She is very graceful in anything she does, even as a kit, whether it's playing, acting out wars with others, or just plain walking. She is a normally quite cat, mainly because her voice can cause cats to do deaf if she is angered to a certain degree (she gets VERY loud when angered). She never looks at anyone outside of her clan in the eyes, mainly because she is a bit shy. She'll only look at them in the eyes if she is a) objecting to something, or b) fighting them. At times, she can be found with a distant look on her face. When this happens, she is normally off daydreaming. It's very entertaining, you know?

Origins:Since Distantkit is just a kit, she hasn't had much of a history. She was born in Shadowclan to her mother, Riddlesong, and her father, Leapfrog. She had two sisters, Facadekit and Monsterkit, but, alas, they were stillborn. She never saw much of her father. They say that he disappeared, and she didn't care much of where he was. Wherever he was, he was probably better off. Right after she was weened off of milk, her mother went out to search for her mate. However, she never came back as well. Now, she is alone... In a large clan... Actually, she isn't alone, for there are others in the clan. Boy, being the only one in a clan would be too boring for a kit. Atleast she has the rest of the clan. (I hate history...)
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Characters : Sootpaw//Swiftpaw//Softkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Apprentice//ThunderClan Apprentice///WindClan Kit
Aries Rat
Number of posts : 3961
Age : 28

Distantkit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Distantkit   Distantkit EmptySat 12 Jun 2010 - 14:26

Approvified O.o loooong


Sootpaw, ShadowClan Apprentice

Swiftkit, ThunderClan Kit

Softkit, WindClan Kit

Sǐwáng, Rogue Kit (To Be Born)

Drizzlekit, Needs Approval

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