Cat Name: Shallowkit
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Favorite Warriors Character(s): Scourge, Squirrelflight, ect.
Familiarity with the series: I've read the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th series, plus Yellowfang's Secret, Hollyleaf's Story, Bluestar's Prophecy, Firestar's
Quest, Cloudstar's Journey, and Mistystar's Omen
Appearance: Shallowkit is a pale brown tabby tom with darker brown stripes. He has a white streak on his forehead, and a white marking on his paw that looks like a flame.
Personality: Extremely shy when meeting new cats, energetic, smarter than most kits, and great with hunting and battle moves older cats teach him.
Origins:*Full Riverclan