MAIN ROSTERAlice the Espeon, ♀ - Light Clay/Synchronize/CalmLight Screen, Reflect, Psychic, Calm Mind
Sybil the Sigilyph, ♀ - Life Orb/Magic Guard/TimidHeat Wave, Air Slash, Psychic, Ice Beam
Leo the Sawsbuck, ♂ - Leftovers/Sap Sipper/AdamantHorn Leech, Nature Power, Swords Dance, Megahorn
Guppy the Carracosta, ♂ - Life Orb/Sturdy/AdamantAqua Jet, Stone Edge, Waterfall, Shell Smash
Luka the Rotom (W), -- - Leftovers/Levitate/ModestVolt Switch, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Ice
Adeline the Noivern, ♀ - Leftovers/Infiltrator/ModestHurricane, Boom Burst, Dragon Pulse, U-Turn
ALTERNATES/SUBSTITUTESOliver the Heliolisk, ♂ - Leftovers/Dry Skin/ModestVolt Switch, Parabolic Charge, Surf, Dark Pulse
Riley the Raichu, ♀ - Life Orb/Lightningrod/TimidNasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Ice, Grass Knot
Ellie the Rapidash, ♀ - Leftovers/Flash Fire/AdamantDrill Run, Flare Blitz, Low Kick, Wild Charge
Lancer the Bouffalant, ♂ - Leftovers/Sap Sipper/AdamantStone Edge, Head Charge, Earthquake, Megahorn
Alex the Glaceon, ♀ - Choice Specs/Ice Body/ModestIce Beam, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power Ground, Wish
Jon the Mantine, ♂ - Life Orb/Swift Swim/ModestAir Slash, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam
Mara the Yanmega, ♀ - Life Orb/Speed Boost/ModestBug Buzz, Air Slash, Psychic, Hidden Power Ground
Marlin the Marowak, ♂ - Thick Club/Rock Head/AdamantBonemerang, Stone Edge, Double-Edge, Stealth Rock
Leanna the Leafeon, ♀ - Leftovers/Chlorophyll/JollySwords Dance, Leaf Blade, Hidden Power Water, Return
Rick the Zebstrika, ♂ - Life Orb/Lightningrod/TimidThunderbolt, Volt Switch, Hidden Power Grass, Overheat
I want to use a Venomoth too, but it's been a long time and I don't feel like coming up with the specs.
Come on, everybody, let's do a tourney!