Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 When you first made your characters...

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3 posters
Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptyFri 24 Jan 2014 - 18:00

What were you thinking your character would be like when you first made them? Did you already have a personality planned out? To make this more interesting and less reading, try to express your thoughts from when you first made your characters using pictures!

I'll do mine as an example and because I want to x3

When you first made your characters... Silver_tabby_cat_~AP-0K3IVJ-TH




When you first made your characters... Tumblr_m868jqY1c71rwong6o1_500
When you first made your characters... Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzWhen you first made your characters... Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrWhen you first made your characters... Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaWhen you first made your characters... I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
When you first made your characters... 1voydWhen you first made your characters... 2gy1qubWhen you first made your characters... One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksWhen you first made your characters... StampOnePiece
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Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptyFri 24 Jan 2014 - 18:12

I literally just made them and just derped from there. I just thought of their personalities off the top of my head o3o. BUT, some future characters are gonna be after some One Piece characters >:D Or songs

Amberfang: Song- Kill Everybody by Skrillex.

One for each character >:D - http://prntscr.com/2mb56v

And these three :D - http://prntscr.com/2mb5pg

When you first made your characters... Gingerpride_zps951a1933
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Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 13:06

Rose wrote:
And these three :D - http://prntscr.com/2mb5pg

Too bad two of them are dead //shotforever

I have a few future characters, but I just made their appearances and that's it so far.

When you first made your characters... Tumblr_m868jqY1c71rwong6o1_500
When you first made your characters... Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzWhen you first made your characters... Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrWhen you first made your characters... Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaWhen you first made your characters... I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
When you first made your characters... 1voydWhen you first made your characters... 2gy1qubWhen you first made your characters... One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksWhen you first made your characters... StampOnePiece
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Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 13:54

Well do I have news for you. Lol jk//shot

When you first made your characters... Gingerpride_zps951a1933
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Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 13:57

Rose wrote:
Well do I have news for you. Lol jk//shot

I am going to kill you.

When you first made your characters... Tumblr_m868jqY1c71rwong6o1_500
When you first made your characters... Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzWhen you first made your characters... Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrWhen you first made your characters... Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaWhen you first made your characters... I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
When you first made your characters... 1voydWhen you first made your characters... 2gy1qubWhen you first made your characters... One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksWhen you first made your characters... StampOnePiece
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Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 14:07

>:D Never mention Ace dead again. I GIVE SPOILERS.

When you first made your characters... Gingerpride_zps951a1933
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Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 14:12

Ace is dead
Ace is dead
Ace is dead
I hate you
Go away
*Rage-quits topic*

When you first made your characters... Tumblr_m868jqY1c71rwong6o1_500
When you first made your characters... Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzWhen you first made your characters... Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrWhen you first made your characters... Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaWhen you first made your characters... I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
When you first made your characters... 1voydWhen you first made your characters... 2gy1qubWhen you first made your characters... One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksWhen you first made your characters... StampOnePiece
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Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 14:21


Rosie- 1

Stormi- 0

When you first made your characters... Gingerpride_zps951a1933
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 15:46


How I saw him.:

How he actually was.:

Damn you 10 year old me. Damn you to hell.

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... EmptySat 25 Jan 2014 - 15:53

Jay that is beautiful ;u;

When you first made your characters... Tumblr_m868jqY1c71rwong6o1_500
When you first made your characters... Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzWhen you first made your characters... Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrWhen you first made your characters... Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaWhen you first made your characters... I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
When you first made your characters... 1voydWhen you first made your characters... 2gy1qubWhen you first made your characters... One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksWhen you first made your characters... StampOnePiece
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When you first made your characters... Empty
PostSubject: Re: When you first made your characters...   When you first made your characters... Empty

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When you first made your characters...
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