The sound of collapsing walls behind me caused me to change. I could feel the blackness course through me as I raised my head and saw the guardian in the mirror raise his holy sword to kill me.
The last thing saw was my eyes in the mirror, inverted.
I awoke in a sweat. I lay there for several minutes, just trying to catch my breath, and trying to comprehend the dream. I’ve had strange dreams in the past, and very vivid ones, but nothing like this. I could feel and even awake, still see the burn of the light shining from the guardians sword.
Even more, what was this guardian? The word kept forming in my head though it didn’t make sense. The word was somewhat foreign to me. Though I knew what it was, I couldn’t relate it to the situation.
After a few minutes, after I was calm again, I wondered on the dream for a moment with a clear mind. Of all the dreams I’d had, none felt as meaningful as this. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t, because I was afraid to dream again and find out what the dream truly meant.