So I know probably a lot of you have played the game "Warriors: Untold tales". I'm a big fan of that game. If you have any questions and/or secrets, post them here. You can also post stories about your character during game-play.
Soz this is a story about one of mah many cats, Stupidstar of Derpclan.
There once was a rogue named Stupidstar, who happened to randomly poof up at Fourtrees one day. "OHMAIGAWD" He gasped. "I'MATDAFOURTREES" He started clawing the trees, causing moss to rain down from the heavens*shot*. He took this moss and spread it out in this huge pile of liek 50 mossesness. He den hunt ze prey. He hunt mice, rabbits, burds, n frogs. "Ew." He hissed. "FROGS...TEH TASTE NASTY. THEY SO SLIMMMYYYYY.....AND THE FBIRDS....THEY SO FLUFFY WITH FEATHERS!!!" So whenever he caught birds or frogs, he would throw them on his moss pile, which became his "pile-of-stuff-stupidstar-doesn't-need". He ate all ze mice and rabbits and squirrels, even when he not le hungry in le least bit. He stuff himselv. Den at night one random night after hunting and moss throwing, he woke up to see 3 kitties LYING IN HIS "pile-of-stuff-stupidstar-doesnt-need". Surprised, h walked up to dem. "HeY!" He yowled in dere ears. "WHO DA SHIZ R U?!" He growled. The rogues looked at him. "Oh u no we found dese dens herez and thought we crash for de night. Hope u no mind." Dey said. "O OK." Stupidstar replied. "I AM STUPIDSTUR, WHY DUN YOU JOIN ME ADVENTURES AND U NO, HUNT FOR MEH WHILE I SIT BACK AND DO NUTTIN?" The rogues looked appalled. "O YUS, WE WANT TO JOIN YO CLAN." Dey cheered. "Clan?" Stupidstur queried. "OH yus...BETTA IDEA. WE ALL MAKE CLAN, AND DEN YOU HUNT FOR MEH WILE I SIT BACK AND DO NUTTIN." He declared. Thus Derpclan was furmed. Stupidstur became leedur of DerpClan, while da biggest fattest rogue, who he namd Dumbface, was hish deputeh. The other two rugoes was namd Derpface, which wuzz a female Stupidstur taught was smokin' so he named her after de clan, and de otter named Idiotface, after Stupidstur's father's name. While Stupidstur derped around the territories, laughing whenever he was chased over the tunderpath by some wurriors and they got ran over but he didn't, da Derp, idiot, and dumb faces wer all huttin. Stupidstur came back to camp, whitch was rly just a pile uf moss and bracken thickets and pray, at night, and went to sleep. Wen he woke up eech mornin', at least won of the wurriors had prey sitting necks to dem, and he wud walk ovr and eat it in derwe faces wich magically did not need to eet. Eating was fir leaders onleh. The other computer programs colled cats did not need to eat. Stupidstur and Derpface had a kit. He namd da kit Stupidkit after him. Stupidkit was stupidstur's apprentice. When Stupidpaw became a wurrior, he was named Stupidface, out of da tradition uf DerpClan tat everywon was named with a suffix of "face". When Stupidstur died, Dumbstur became leader and his deputeh was Stupidface. Stupidface den became leadur called Stewpidstur. Stupidstur then led his clan into destruction when he broke le tradition of onleh leaders getting to play chase and kill with the rival wurriors on the thunderpath. He showed dem da game, but they play wrong and a kar ran zem all over. Thus the new Stupidstar got amnesia and poofed back into fertrees, the cycle starting agaoin.
I was actually yelling everything they said to each other at the computer screen, while Stormy sat back watching and laughing as my cat randomly ran around headbutting trees.
Frogleap of Riverclan
Frogfoot of Riverclan(1st)
Stonesplash of Riverclan(2nd)*
- Pictures:
Will cross out name if the cat life is dead, and will put a * next to current lifeLET'S PLAY SOME TETRIS MUDKIP!