Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 under the stretching sky [closed]

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under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyThu 21 Dec 2023 - 18:18

Underneath the star-speckled horizons was the reflective surface of the lake. It picked up on every gleaming Starclan warrior, whose watchful eyes never strayed from guarding the clans. For some reason, Littlekit was struggling to sleep that night. Normally, he tucked away into his nest and would drift off in to fanciful visions of what it would be like to be a warrior someday. But tonight, his mind was restless. There was no queen for him to call his own and so slipping from the makeshift den was an easy endeavor. Silvered slivers of moonlight darted past the stray clouds and dotted his pelt. The night air was crisp and inviting.

Littlekit fluffed out his coat to stave off the occasional breezes. Although he wasn't too scared of the sickness, the kit didn't want to catch greencough. Surely the medicine cats would be cross if he gave them another cat to use their herbs on. Pushing away that though, he trotted to the edge of the clearing. His nose nudged at part of the haphazardly build wall. Cats kept saying overtime it would become a strong boundary, a true wall for their home. He couldn't wait to see it. For now, he spent time putting loose strands back into their place. A moment passed and he heard the faintest sound. The tom-kit looked up to see the shape of another cat.

What if it was a warrior coming to scold him for being up so late? Larkspring would certainly be cross. Littlekit ducked his head in embarrassment before glancing up. Relief washed over him as he recognized the pelt of the older cat. It was Cindersky! Despite never spending much time with her, he watched the clan enough to know she was a good-natured cat. He chirped her name in greeting, "Hi, Cindersky!"
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Characters : [C]indersky, [W]olfpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan, T3 Warrior| ShadowClan, Apprentice
Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 372
Gender : They/She
Age : 20

under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyFri 22 Dec 2023 - 8:48


t2 warrior | riverclan

The night stretched on and sleep refused to come to her with good graces. She had thought it would be easier, with her body strained with a sickness that refused to relent and finally getting somewhere to settle rather than traipsing half-way across an unknown world. She had gotten it somewhere through the night, a wink that made her head drop. Almost as quick as it had come, she was torn from it by dreams that were not so pleasant. Frustration, perhaps a hint of submission to the notion, took her when she realised she would not slumber that night. So she would watch the stars, like she often did.

She lifted herself from her nest, careful not to waken Larkspring or Rookflight. She checked on them, Rookflight still in the throes of the same illness as she but so much worse, and Larkspring exhausted from trying to care for them both. She'd take their exhaustion as hers, if she could. Satisfied that they were alright and stable, she moved out of the den.

It was cold. It felt nice on her pelt that still burned on the underside. She sniffled, giving her mind a moment to settle after getting up so suddenly. The dizziness was worse when she did that, but she had learned a trick to stare at a single point for a time. And this point ended up being a small kit-- Littlekit? She believed that was his name. He noticed her before she could speak, and quickly as she could, she stood up straighter from her slouch. No need for the kit to worry, too.

"What are you doing out so late, Littlekit?" She asked softly, closing the distance but still keeping a gap between them. No kit had gotten sick on their journey, but she didn't want to be the first to infect one. "Are you alright? A nightmare, or..?"

template by #kiikko

under the stretching sky [closed] 8ix01Gk

Cindersky  | Daytrader |  Wolfpaw |  Ryekit

"sed non obligant."
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under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptySat 23 Dec 2023 - 8:43

"Couldn't sleep." He ducked his head slightly in a shrug. It was obvious the way that the warrior kept a safe distance away. Littlekit was more than used to it at this point in his life, having grown with cats straying further away from each other in an effort to prevent the sickness from spreading. The tom-kit knew how dangerous it could be, in a very real way that had impacted him since early kithood. But he had never strayed away from it or been afraid. Maybe that wasn't the brightest reaction yet something had become so familiar about this being their way of life. It was simply all he had ever known.

Every so often, he had a vague recollection of snuggling up warmly at the belly of much larger cat. That peace and safety was something that had not been mimicked since the short while after his birth. Littlekit missed that, longed for that. While he hadn't thought about it in a while, it was something that nagged at his mind now as he looked up at Cindersky. Had his mother been as sweet and brave as this warrior? His tiny, needle-sharp claws kneaded the ground. After a moment, he found himself asking, "Do warriors have trouble sleeping sometimes, too?"
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Characters : [C]indersky, [W]olfpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan, T3 Warrior| ShadowClan, Apprentice
Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 372
Gender : They/She
Age : 20

under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptySun 24 Dec 2023 - 11:25


t2 warrior | riverclan

Cindersky's heart tugged. She remembered her own kithood, a handful of moons with an absent mother and soon with none, but most of it alone all the same. She remembered the waking nights, and she couldn't remember why she could never sleep. It had followed her into apprenticeship, and then into warriorhood. She pitied him.

"I will keep you company," She decided. "Until you either fall asleep, or the sun comes up. I doubt either of us want to get caught having stayed up the entire night." A smile played on her maw. She wondered briefly how in StarClans name would she bring the kitten back to their make-shift nursery if he fell asleep, without getting him ill? A leaf? Maybe.

His question caught her off guard and she took an intake of breath,-- stuttering into a small sequence of coughs--, before apologising and inclining her head in agreement. "Not all warriors do," She said quietly, shuffling into a more crouched position. She felt less dizzy doing it. The vertigo was manageable, but uncomfortable all the same. "I do, though. I found sleep hard to come by even when I was your age... Oh, I feel old saying that. But; sometimes I have nightmares and sleep does not come because my mind is restless. Sometimes it simply does not come at all, even if I'm tired. So yes, sometimes even warriors have sleeping troubles."

template by #kiikko

under the stretching sky [closed] 8ix01Gk

Cindersky  | Daytrader |  Wolfpaw |  Ryekit

"sed non obligant."
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under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyTue 26 Dec 2023 - 18:09

I will keep you company. His ear flicked and a purr rumbled in his chest. The thought of having a companion made this cold and dark night seem much less lonely. However, Littlekit fretted that she might have warrior duties. Sandyshell likely wouldn't let any cat be out hunting, which brought some level of relief. As she coughed, the thought was confirmed. How could a cat who could hardly breathe be able to stray far from camp? Although he hardly flinched at the sound, his chest tightened with worry. All the sick cats seemed miserable despite their best efforts to stay positive. Hopefully medicine cats would find the cure soon and for the first time in his life, they would be able to beat the sickness.

A sigh of relief left the little tom's maw at her admission. He wasn't alone in having a restless mind, fretting about the world and things out of his paws. As she spoke of nightmares, it occurred to Littlekit that perhaps older cats heads even swam with more thoughts. He had always assumed they were too busy to think about all the things he did. Although, his mind was mostly filled with worries about all of them anyways. The world was too big to ponder sometimes and that was an exhausting thought.

"I think its because my nest is so cold." Littlekit said after a pause, "Maybe it will get better when I'm older and in the apprentice's den. I dunno... what do you do when you can't sleep?" The edge of the kit's voice was tinged with weariness, lacking his usual chipper tone while still maintaining a friendly disposition. Having the company of another cat was always a welcome thing, he cherished moments like these, even if they were brought about by restless nights.
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Characters : [C]indersky, [W]olfpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan, T3 Warrior| ShadowClan, Apprentice
Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 372
Gender : They/She
Age : 20

under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyWed 27 Dec 2023 - 14:15


t2 warrior | riverclan

"An empty nest is definitely a reason to find sleep hard," Cindersky mused, tilting her head away when she felt the beginnings of a cough brewing, but relieved to find it faded away before it came to fruition. "I found it hard when I was a kit, too. When I became an apprentice I nested by myself for a while, and then I made friends with Larkspring and Rookflight, and we put our nests together."

She pondered on Littlekits question for a moment. Many of the things she did, she did not want to advise him to do. Some of the things he couldn't do, not at his age. Her fluffed tail tip drummed against the ground as she thought of what exactly to say. There was one thing, and it was better than nothing.

"Sometimes I make up little stories in my head," She told him. "Always happy ones, if I can help it. Playing in the river with people, or going on a real long journey just like this one, and everything being okay in the end. It often eases some of the worries that might be keeping me from sleeping, or keeps my thoughts away from actually sleeping, and then I do."

She blinked slowly at the young kit, and after a moment of thinking and waiting for her ebb of vertigo to pass, she added another suggestion; "If you find that you can't sleep, or you're tossing and turning and the stories aren't working, you can always come find me. I would recommend getting another warrior to fetch me if they're awake so you don't end up sick; if you spot Larkspring, he can fetch me. I wouldn't recommend waking him in the middle of the night, though. But if nobody else is awake, hold your breath and poke me until I wake up if I'm not asleep."

template by #kiikko

under the stretching sky [closed] 8ix01Gk

Cindersky  | Daytrader |  Wolfpaw |  Ryekit

"sed non obligant."
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under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyThu 28 Dec 2023 - 17:42

Littlekit's eyes widened as she spoke and he found himself muttering incredulously, "Larkspring has friends?" The words weren't meant to be an insult and the genuine shock that edged into the nearly inaudible question portrayed that. Having encountered the grumpy warrior before, the kit had decided that for as much as he liked being around other cats, not every cat was the same way. Larkspring had taught him something new in that regard. Cindersky continued on and he blinked to refocus.

As she mentioned stories, his ear flicked. He briefly closed his eyes and smiled as he pictured Riverclan territory. Kitespring had told him all about it. Even though the kit couldn't remember anything prior to their new, hopefully temporary, home, the true Riverclan territory sounded like such a beautiful place. Littlekit had dreamed about the river on more than one occasion. One day he wanted to pluck a fish from the rushing waters. Contently, he smiled before looking back up at the warrior.

"I'm going to think about the territory. Our real territory. Kitespring told me all about it. And when we're back I'm going to catch every fish I can find." For a moment, the weariness seemed to fade into determination. It was quickly interrupted as a yawn left his maw. Cindersky's offer caused a warmth to blossom in his chest. Knowing another cat was looking out for him felt very special to the little cat. All of the clan had cared for and supported him the best they could without being his parents. But at the end of the day, his nest had still been empty, and his mind restless.

"I'm not scared of getting sick..." He mumbled, frowning slightly as his gaze shifted to his paws. The kit suddenly looked forlorn. A thought had popped into his head but was dashed away as mentioned her affliction. Littlekit had been admiring how soft the warrior's fur looked, wondering if it was like that of a long-forgotten mother. Tiny claws worked at the earth anxiously. For such a tiny creature, he was full of love. And for the first time, he considered how truly unfair this sickness was. His stomach churned in disdain, willing every cat to heal in an instant and longing for Starclan to hear this silent plea.

"I just wish I could snuggle with you."
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Characters : [C]indersky, [W]olfpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan, T3 Warrior| ShadowClan, Apprentice
Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 372
Gender : They/She
Age : 20

under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptySat 6 Jan 2024 - 13:04


t2 warrior | riverclan

Cindersky suppressed a chuckle at the kits hush-quiet words. Yes, she wanted to say, Larkspring had  friends. Her ears flicked and she thought of how that meeting might have went. Probably with blunt honesty and the shock of it all. Maybe, she could organise a chat with the three of them. She could teach him how to talk to kits. He was always softer talking to her.

"Mm, I could show you how to fish," She purred. "I was not very good at it at the start, actually-- My first training session with Perchstar had our fishing practice interrupted by a goose. It was big, and loud. We took it down, though-- Well, Perchstar did. I think I hid for most of it," She smiled despite the shudder that went down her spine when she remembered it. Or maybe it was just the chill of her fever. She hated those things.

She did not know what to tell him at his fearless admission about the illness. She wanted to tell him he was brave, but all the same a little foolish because... It was awful. Rookflight, curled up and barely conscious for StarClan knows how many days now, and even herself. She was lucky at least, despite the fever, cough and near constant dizziness if she moved, she thought she was okay. If she told herself she was, she would be. She did not know how long that would last.

And then he said that, and she was a kitten again. A small kitten, lonely who had been left without her other, cold. Her mother sat in the shadowed entrance of the nursery, back facing her. She could only make out the darker stripes of her fur and the moonlight coming through her tufted ear fur. What was it that she said then? She couldn't remember. It was something like that, and she was so cold. Her mother eyes, dark as the night was, only looked at her. Looked through her, saw something, someone, that wasn't there. "You could nest with your sister." She said, and that was that.

Her eyes drifted over to Littlekit, sheen with wet and she blinked and was ready to blame it on the leaf-bare wind. "Oh, Littlekit," She mumbled, cursing the quiver in her voice and she then realised how horrible the sickness was. "I would let you. I want to let you, I just... I don't want you to have this horrible sickness."

template by #kiikko

under the stretching sky [closed] 8ix01Gk

Cindersky  | Daytrader |  Wolfpaw |  Ryekit

"sed non obligant."
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under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyMon 8 Jan 2024 - 20:54

Littlekit had tucked his paws underneath him, leaning into the shelter of the sparse camp wall. Although pressing up against the chill-touched barrier briefly caused his fur to stand on end, it quickly settled as his own heat seeped into the materials. He was a tad more sheltered from the cool night air and in the presence of Cindersky felt more at ease. Something about her, whether it was the natural warmth of her course words, or the kind gleam behind her gaze... it made the kit comfortable. His eyes became half-lidded as he finally began to realize how truly tired he was.

He closed his eyes as she spoke about her hunting experience. Despite never having seen a goose before, he pictured it like a giant sparrow, black and white like Larkspring. Warriors liked to share the tales of their adventures with kits, something he was constantly grateful for. Littlekit imagined what it would be like to fish alongside the warrior and Perchstar. A dreamy smile touched his maw, allowing his worries to melt away for a moment. Slumping into the wall further, he sighed, "I'm going to catch you a fish someday."

As she spoke, he hardly noticed the quiver in her voice as his mind drifted away. Cindersky had provided him with the best sleep advice and company on this peaceful night. What once had been wrought with worry and restlessness was now replaced with a semblance of kinship. He was still learning the world around him and what life meant but it was almost an innate feeling the way he understood her. His head tipped to the side and slid down onto his paws. The warrior's words rung in his ears as he drifted to sleep. As a last thought, he reminisced on how his mother had cared for him, pulling away to protect him from the deadly thing that ended up taking her life away far too soon. It was little more than a hazy memory, shapes and sensations.

"...momma." And then the only sound was his soft, contented breathing.
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Characters : [C]indersky, [W]olfpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan, T3 Warrior| ShadowClan, Apprentice
Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 372
Gender : They/She
Age : 20

under the stretching sky [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: under the stretching sky [closed]   under the stretching sky [closed] EmptyWed 10 Jan 2024 - 10:56


t2 warrior | riverclan

Cindersky opened her mouth to tell Littlekit that she knew he would. That she would be beside him when he did, and that she would cheer him on every second of the way. She did not speak when she watched his small form fold in on itself, the unmistakeable lull of sleep too hard to deny. And that soft, tiny word that left his mouth.

Her breath caught in her throat, and she tried hard to stop a cough from bubbling from it. Her ears went flat, and her throat burned. Not from nausea, or illness. She sniffled, albeit not from a running nose or a building sneeze. 'Yes, momma. If you want me to be,' She knew she should not, but she couldn't leave him to sleep in the cold. 'I will do my best to be.' She blinked away the mist in her eyes and picked the small kit up as gently as she could. She fixed her eyes on that makeshift nursery and tiptoed over, careful not to sway, careful not to move too quick. She reached it, and holding her breath climbed inside and placed Littlekit on the best nest she could. She puffed up the moss with her paws, and turned to leave.

She stepped out of the mouth, and with a cold winter chill guiding her, glanced back. What if she turned out like her mother, when it came to this? A false name. She would not do what Burnetrush did to her, and that word was law to her. "Goodnight, Littlekit," She whispered softly.

template by #kiikko

under the stretching sky [closed] 8ix01Gk

Cindersky  | Daytrader |  Wolfpaw |  Ryekit

"sed non obligant."
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