Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Settling In (frostpaw)

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Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptySun Oct 29, 2023 6:35 pm

Swiftheart was so excited that she could hardly keep herself from jumping up and down with energy. She practically skipped over to the nursery where frostpaw would be moving out of. She was eager to help her apprentice get moved over to the apprentice den officially. There was a lot to do and she figured that they could get to know one another and all during such time. She gave a happy purr seeing her apprentice and you could almost say she hopped over to her with her typical happy smile on her face and boundless energy.

Heyo you! I’m really excited to help you get settled in, if there is anything I can do to make your transition time easier please let me know. she purred positively with a nod.

“Hmm let’s start with the esentials of setting up your new nest spot, then we will work to get your area decorated. Perhaps there are rocks or flowers you would like to keep? Or if you rather I also have a variety of pelredator pelts you could have if you would like” she purred explaining.

She paused having to consciously remind herself to slow down maybe a little. From what she had observed so far, frostpaw was a little more quiet and maybe this was all very new to her. The last thing she wanted to do was overwhelming her apprentice and new friend.

She literally had to count a couple seconds in her head …

And… I know this all seems like a lot, I’ve been there before too but I promise I’ll be with you every step of the way. she purred reassuringly

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Number of posts : 2299
Gender : gorl -Copperbeanz says hi <3

Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptySun Oct 29, 2023 6:49 pm

Swiftheart had been…

A lot. To say the absolute least.

Somehow, from watching the older molly play with the kits, it had never really registered with Frostpaw that Swiftheart playing with young kits several fox-tails away, totally unknowing of your presence, was very different from Swiftheart interacting with you right in your face all the time hi hi hi woooo cowabunga. It wasn’t wrong, per se, but certainly new. It had only taken about five seconds for Frostpaw to give up on comprehending every word the other said, and settle for merely understanding her overall meaning.

A nod at her first sentence, a brief pause to listen intently and parse what she meant together. Alright. An offer of help- very kind of her. Something about her nest in the apprentice den- hmm. Frostpaw had never really had the chance to… decorate her nest before. She found she rather liked the idea- but before she could say anything Swiftheart spoke up again, and her thoughts had to be pushed to the side in order to listen.

“Thank you,” Frostpaw mewed, twitching her whiskers. “I… predator pelts?”

Was that part of the tradition she’d heard the other kits speak of? Some ShadowClanners certainly wore predator pelts, but she’d always thought that part of a warrior ritual, not something given to a new apprentice. Somehow it felt like cheating, a hollow victory that would undermine a true triumph.
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Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptyMon Oct 30, 2023 5:41 pm

Swiftheart nodded with a purr. Yeah, you can have one of mine, or if you like we could go get you one of your own. Of course, I promise to go with you and all during that if that’s what you’d rather do”

Swiftheart paused for a bit. She knew that she could be too talkative and was really trying to tone back her excitement and energy so as not to be too overwhelming to frostpaw but it was hard to hide her eagerness.

Hmm where would you like to start? she purred a bit more quietly hoping that a slower approach might help frostpaw come out of her shell more. More than anything she just wanted to have a great bond with her new apprentice and hoped that she was doing an okay job so far

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Number of posts : 2299
Gender : gorl -Copperbeanz says hi <3

Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptyMon Oct 30, 2023 5:55 pm

Alright. That was kind of her. Frostpaw nodded once more, thinking. The night were cold, yes, especially for a short-pelted cat like herself, but there was something almost magical about the idea of killing her own predator. She would have to consider this further- but the idea of flowers… were there any still blooming? No matter. She could wait if need be, until the snows came and went and green-leaf, something she’d heard of but never seen, arrived in all its plenty and splendor. ShadowClan could do with some plenty, right now; Frostpaw’s stomach always felt hollow.

A tangent, that; Swiftheart’s voice brought her back to reality. The small apprentice tilted her head to the side, thinking. She ought to find moss for her nest tonight, more than likely, and then they could go out in the morning. This was most likely a test, and she would prefer to pass it.

“I can make a nest for myself in the den, perhaps?” It was odd, to have so much say in her own actions, to suggest her own course of action. This was not how she had expected apprenticeship to proceed, but she found she did not much mind.
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Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptyMon Oct 30, 2023 6:34 pm

A wise call, with the colder nights getting her set up with a nest should be their first focus. It was usual for swiftheart to allow for a lot of her apprentices to make their own decisions. She was known for believing strongly in freedom of spirit and not wanting anyone to be cooped up or ever feel like they had to do something. For instance, she would have been okay with frostpaw picking just about anything to do now.

This was great though, they could get to know each other more while they set up frostpaws nest and personal space, hopefully she could help make it as home like as possible. She hummed a little happy song to herself as she helped spread some moss out for her apprentices nest glancing at her a couple times guessing at its size. Hmm soon maybe we will get ya some bird feathers or Little Rocks or something to help cheer it up with some decoration. she meowed looking it over. That is… if you would like

Some cats didn’t like decorating her brother Night coming to mind, and that was okay too.

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Number of posts : 2299
Gender : gorl -Copperbeanz says hi <3

Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptyTue Oct 31, 2023 1:55 pm

“I… would like that, I think,” Frostpaw replied, awkwardly watching Swiftheart start the nest. Feathers? Pebbles? Pelts? Flowers? There was something inviting about the idea of having her own little space, something just hers, a feeling almost as alluring as the idea of one day wandering the territory on her own. Soon, the marshes and pines of ShadowClan would be hers, to flit through the darkness like a ghost with eyes of fire.

Swiftheaft seemed set on the idea of nest-decorating. Perhaps it was a tradition of hers? She was an older molly, one who had surely mentored multiple apprentices before, and perhaps this was something she did with every apprentice. A way to make her mark on their little lives, to draw them closer together. Hmm.

“I do not know what I would like yet,” Frostpaw admitted, face as impassive as ever. “You have mentored before, correct? What did your other apprentices choose?”
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Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptyTue Nov 07, 2023 5:40 pm

Swiftheart gave a little nod at the question remembering her previous apprentice.  Deerleap was her first and long time friend apprentice of hers.  Deerleap had sacrificed herself to bring back the stars and put an end to the long reign of terror that was the dark forest.  But that story was not one Swiftheart wanted to bring up or remember.

"I have, trained apprentices before." she said in a quieter tone.

what did deerleap choose? Swiftheart glanced at her own front paws, she hadnt done this with deerleap.  She wished desperatly that she had, wished that she could have spent more time with her before the bitter end.  Was that why she was being almost too clingy to frostpaw??  She hoped it didn't come across that way.  

Harechaser she had not done this with her either and now she was gone as well...

"Though, I have not really had them decorate before." she shrugged a little, "Its a new idea I guess" she left it at that for now but gave Frostpaw a reassuring nod in that she was free to pick whatever she might like.

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Number of posts : 2299
Gender : gorl -Copperbeanz says hi <3

Settling In (frostpaw) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Settling In (frostpaw)   Settling In (frostpaw) EmptyWed Nov 08, 2023 4:54 am


Great going, Frostpaw.

Clearly the topic of former apprentices was not one Swiftheart wished to bring up or… remember at all. Dead, more than likely, but there was always the possibility of treason or simply running away. She… she did not like the idea of someone in her position hurting her mentor. Perhaps… perhaps she could do something to help the idea of an apprentice be a happy one, not something to be remembered with a heavy tone and shuttered eyes.

“Perhaps a few feathers,” she mewed at last, tucking her tail round her paws. “Perhaps we can find some when we go hunting?”
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