Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Bumblekit of Thunderclan

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2 posters


Characters : [B]rindlepaw | [V]ioletsky | [F]oxflower
Clan/Rank : [B] Thunderclan Apprentice | [V] Skyclan T2 Warrior | [F] Windclan Permaqueen
Pisces Rat
Number of posts : 1557
Gender : she/her
Age : 16

Bumblekit of Thunderclan Empty
PostSubject: Bumblekit of Thunderclan   Bumblekit of Thunderclan EmptySun 30 Jul 2023 - 3:43

Cat Name: Bumblekit

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: She-cat

Appearance: mostly just looks like a very large domestic cat, with her mother's genes most visible in her pelt and stature

Personality: Doesn't know her own size/strength, naive to problems, not very self-aware, doesn't get embarrassed easily, oblivious to the point it's past endearing and almost annoying, pretty much just an adorable and energetic idiot

Clan: Thunderclan

Origins: Aurelia x NPC


character profiles | plotting pages

↣ ↢
Brindlepaw | Thunderclan Apprentice | [20/60]
Violetsky | Skyclan T2 Warrior | [40/100]
Foxflower | Windclan Permaqueen| [50/80]
↣ ↢

deceased/missing: Brighteye, Dappleleaf, Yew, Mistlebright,
Magpiesight, Wisteriabloom, Primroselight, Muddythorn,
Silversnake, Finchpaw, Aoife
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [S]mallstar [A]stershine [J]ayfrost [F]allowpaw ----- DECEASED: Robinloft Clementine Elsa, Morningpaw,
Libra Dog
Number of posts : 2016
Gender : he/they/ey
Age : 17

Bumblekit of Thunderclan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bumblekit of Thunderclan   Bumblekit of Thunderclan EmptyMon 31 Jul 2023 - 18:28


Bumblekit of Thunderclan LJggfg

∞ Former Windclan Leader ∞ || Former Site Adminsitrator

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Bumblekit of Thunderclan
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