Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Creamkit of SkyClan

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2 posters
Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

Creamkit of SkyClan Empty
PostSubject: Creamkit of SkyClan   Creamkit of SkyClan EmptySat Nov 05, 2022 5:08 pm

Cat Name: Creamkit - paw - ???

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: Tom

Appearance: A small, mostly white kit with pale yellow paws, ears, mask, and back/tail. Deep blue eyes.

Personality: A baby. As a young kit, Cream has separation anxiety - often crying and cowering if his adopted mother isn't about (such as her being on patrol) and tries to stick to her like a flea when she is around the camp. Once he grows older, he gets better and becomes an absolute sweetheart to everybody - always in a bright mood. However, forever remains a momma boy.

Clan: SkyClan

Origins: Rogue NPC (Thought being found/adopted by Blackbear and claimed as hers)


Creamkit of SkyClan ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : (W)oolywing, (B)lackbear, (Bu)tterfly
Clan/Rank : (W) RiverClan T3 Warrior, (B) SkyClan T4 Warrior, (S) T1 Loner
Aries Rooster
Number of posts : 829
Gender : He/him
Age : 19

Creamkit of SkyClan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creamkit of SkyClan   Creamkit of SkyClan EmptySat Nov 05, 2022 5:10 pm

Approved! <3

Creamkit of SkyClan CWNAdMS
Woolywing of RiverClan-45/90*
Butterfly the Loner-40/100
Blackbear of SkyClan-50/120
Lousekit of ShadowClan-10/30

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Creamkit of SkyClan
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