Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 No Time For Rest [Closed]

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2 posters

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 1:59 pm

Rippedsky let out a soft sigh as he hauled himself to his feet. Leaving the nest was going to be hard today. Before the fire, the tom had mostly had restless night anyways. With the forest fires, that had only gotten worse. Before that night, he had been on his feet for almost two days. Thankfully, he had slept like a rock after that. As he stretched, his muscles ached in protest. The deputy ignored the feeling and padded out into the clearing. His eyes darted around the camp to double check that the dawn patrol had left already. It appeared they had. That meant he was free for a little bit. And free meant there was time to train his apprentices. Gorsepaw's training had been going well and the ginger tom was a fantastic apprentice anyways. There was no need for them to go out today. Rippedsky decided to allow him the day off, assuming it would be spent hunting and resting. However, Dandelionpaw needed to begin her training. He smiled at the thought of one of his adopted kits. If nothing else, training with the young apprentice would be fun.

Poking his black and white head into the den, he called softly, "Dandelionpaw, time for training!" Rippedsky hoped not to wake the other apprentices. However, if they did happen to stir, it was inevitable their own mentors would be waking them up shortly. He sat down, wrapping his tail over his paws. As soon as she woke up, they would be headed off into the territory. A soft smile crossed his muzzle once more as he remembered heading out with Gorsepaw for the first time so many moons ago. He could not wait to start training with Dandelionpaw.
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Characters : Twigkit (Tw)
Clan/Rank : TC kit (Tw)
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 573
Gender : They/them
Age : 22

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 2:08 pm

Dandelionpaw groaned, blinking her eyes groggily. She was still suffering from her run from the edge of SkyClan territory to the camp. Her muscles were aching and begging to be given rest, but she didn't want to give in. Even if Rippedsky loved her as his adopted daughter, she felt she needed to prove that she was more than just a fluffy runt. She needed to be the best warrior possible, and that came only through training. Once she was awake, she bounded up to Rippedsky with tired but bright eyes. She was ready.

She followed him through the camp entrance and into the woods. Dandelionpaw was ecstatic to be training. Her first steps to becoming a warrior! What would her warrior name be? Dandelionpelt? Dandelionclaw? Dandelionstorm? She wondered dreamily.

Twigkit - ??? - ???
ThunderClan - ??? - ???
He/they - ??? - ???
Kit - ??? - ???
cc6633 - ??? - ???
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No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 3:42 pm

"Good morning." He smiled at the slightly groggy apprentice. However, excitement quickly overtook her features. It would be a good session for sure. Rippedsky remembered so many moons ago how he had been the same way underneath Heatherstripe's instruction. The late she-cat had been a fantastic mentor and he hoped to be the same sort of mentor to Dandelionkit. As they padded out of camp, he glanced around at the trees. Not many signs of the fire remained. The potential horror of the situation washed away both by the mist and passing time. The forest would always recover.

"Are you ready for this, Dandelionpaw? I don't plan on going easy on you just because you're my kit." The deputy tried to push a stern tone into his voice to let her know he was serious, but ended up failing. It was hard trying to be tough on his own kits. Even tougher was the fact that he had ended up caring for most of the clan's orphaned and young kits. As a younger cat in Windclan, he had never really been close to his family. Rippedsky hoped he was able to be far more invested than his own NPC parents.
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Characters : Twigkit (Tw)
Clan/Rank : TC kit (Tw)
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 573
Gender : They/them
Age : 22

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 4:00 pm

"Good morning!" exclaimed Dandelionpaw. She looked up to Rippedsky as not just her father, but also as her mentor. She could hardly remember her NPC parents and thanked StarClan every day for him and Bramblekit. She had hoped he would be a great mentor, and he hadn't disappointed her yet.

"I don't want you to go easy on me! I want to be the best warrior and I can't do that if my father doesn't train me properly!" she declared with fire in her eyes. She was well aware that Rippedsky had a habit of adopting orphaned kits, but she liked that about him. She wanted to be as kind as he was when she was a warrior and even perhaps Clan leader someday.

Twigkit - ??? - ???
ThunderClan - ??? - ???
He/they - ??? - ???
Kit - ??? - ???
cc6633 - ??? - ???
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No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 4:44 pm

"Then let's get started." Much like he had done with Gorsepaw, Rippedsky instantly took off into the territory. However, this time he had different intentions. With Gorsepaw, the run had simply been for fun. Dandelionpaw's determination had inspired him to certainly not go easy on her. Instead, he would train her up to be one of the best Skyclan warriors he could. If Rippedsky could help it, none of his apprentices would turn out soft. Rational and caring, hopefully, but not soft. He felt the ached in his muscles once more, yet continued to press on. After a couple moments, the deputy spotted a decent sized tree. In his many moons with the clan, his climbing had improved significantly. He shot up into the tree and peered down over the edge, waiting for his apprentice to appear below.
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Characters : Twigkit (Tw)
Clan/Rank : TC kit (Tw)
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 573
Gender : They/them
Age : 22

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 5:34 pm

After a moment of absolute confusion, Dandelionpaw raced after him, pelting through the forest. She was small, but she made up for it with more frequent strides. Her desire to learn was strong, propelling her toward her destiny. Her first lesson! She was extremely happy. He would certainly help her be the best. By the time she arrived at the tree, she was panting heavily. She looked up with steely determination.

Twigkit - ??? - ???
ThunderClan - ??? - ???
He/they - ??? - ???
Kit - ??? - ???
cc6633 - ??? - ???
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No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 6:13 pm

OCC: alrighty, the fun starts here. In my signature, you can see the stats of each one of my cats. The first is for HP (health points), and the second is for SP (stamina points). You lose health points when attacked. You lose stamina points everytime YOU attack. As an apprentice, Dandelionpaw's HP/SP is 20/80. The attached link will take you to a page with the battle system attacks. It is wise to have this open during every battle. You can find the damage each move does and how much stamina each move uses. As you go up in rank, you can use more attacks. Apprentices can only use moves that say 'apprentice' or 'kit'. I will be using some moves you cannot, as Rippedsky is a deputy and can use every move. Each post in a battle should include the stats bar that will be at the bottom. Stats should be adjusted every time a move is used. For the sake of training, stats restore themselves after every turn, as no damage is being done. Just follow my lead and let me know if you have any questions :)

As soon as she stopped, Rippedsky darted through the treetops silently. Once he was behind the she-cat, he leaped down. His paws covered ground quickly and he leaped into her back from behind. With sheathed paws, the deputy pinned his apprentice to the ground. It had been a long time since he had done battle training. The thrill of it sent adrenaline coursing through his veins. As he looked down at Dandelionpaw, a smirk twitched at the edge of his maw, "You should always take advantage of the element of surprise. It is the best way to startle and confuse your opponent. Use your surroundings and the territory around you."

Rippedsky used jumping strike, dealing 15 damage and using 20 stamina.

100/100 HP
260/280 SP

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Characters : Twigkit (Tw)
Clan/Rank : TC kit (Tw)
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 573
Gender : They/them
Age : 22

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyFri May 26, 2017 6:41 pm

(OOC: So I can pick an attack that my cat is able to use and use it if I have the stamina for it?)

Dandelionpaw shrieked. Once she realized it was Rippedsky, she nodded solemnly. She squirmed loose, this feat being achievable thanks to her size. Leaping back, she prepared to do a front paw strike.

Dandelionpaw used front paw strike, dealing 6 damage and using 10 stamina.

94/100 HP
280/280 SP


Twigkit - ??? - ???
ThunderClan - ??? - ???
He/they - ??? - ???
Kit - ??? - ???
cc6633 - ??? - ???
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No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptySat May 27, 2017 7:27 am

OCC: gg Katie. It seems like you've got it! We'll keep this up for a bit just to make sure though. I'm going to try something more complicated now. Also- to get to use the dice, hit 'preview' insead of 'send' and you can do a dices roll.

The deputy was pleasantly surprised by her quick reaction. Instantly, she had squirmed away and was striking back. A grin peeled back the corners of his mouth. This was off too a good start. While she was quick and small, that might not always be the case. The young cat needed to learn skill along with her speed. He made to strike forwards, but instead leaped over her head and darted to the side. Rippedsky darted forwards and snagged his teeth into into her scruff. He was careful not to draw any blood. Through a mouthful of fur he muttered, "You need to gain the advantage over your opponent. If you can hold them down for any amount of time, use that. Every move needs to be calculated and thought out. Which can be difficult in the heat of battle."

Rippedsky used teeth grip, dealing 13 damage and using 20 stamina. Dandelionpaw is held for two turns.



Last edited by Father Ripped on Sat May 27, 2017 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15195
Age : 30

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptySat May 27, 2017 7:27 am

The member 'Father Ripped' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Effect Dice' : 3

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
No Time For Rest [Closed] Mistpe10
No Time For Rest [Closed] Sig2
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Characters : Twigkit (Tw)
Clan/Rank : TC kit (Tw)
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 573
Gender : They/them
Age : 22

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptySat May 27, 2017 7:52 am

Dandelionpaw was sent into panic, but her mind cleared at his words. Think, she thought. What can I do? An idea began to form while she was being held by Rippedsky. He was on her side, but not behind her. If she aimed her paw correctly, she could swipe at his face. It wouldn't have power enough to knock him off in one strike, but if she repeated it enough times, he might let go. She decided to do it.

Dandelionpaw used front paw strike, dealing 6 damage and using 10 stamina.

94/100 HP
280/280 SP


Twigkit - ??? - ???
ThunderClan - ??? - ???
He/they - ??? - ???
Kit - ??? - ???
cc6633 - ??? - ???
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No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptyTue May 30, 2017 4:02 pm

Despite his tight hold on her scruff, his apprentice was still able to swipe at him with her front paws. He was both surprised and amused. Even if she could not get much damage, there was quite a bit of drive in her moves. The deputy kept holding on. He wanted to see what she would do. Rippedsky smirked as he remembered an old Windclan trick and one of his favorite moves. While it was a bit unfair of him to use it on a cat that would never be able to pick it up, he thought it would be a good lesson in dealing with the moves of other clans. While his teeth continued to prick at her scruff, his front paws also darted up to deal some damaged as well. It felt good to be using his natural born skill for speed and hoped Dandelionpaw would have some comment about it.

Rippedsky continued to use teeth grip, dealing 13 damage and using 20 stamina. Dandelionpaw is held for one more turn.
Rippedsky used swift strike, dealing 7 damage and using 10 stamina.


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Characters : Twigkit (Tw)
Clan/Rank : TC kit (Tw)
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 573
Gender : They/them
Age : 22

No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptySun Jun 04, 2017 10:47 am

Dandelionpaw's eyes stretched wide. Before she knew it, she was receiving a swift strike from Rippedsky. It didn't have enough power to stun her, but she was surprised by it.

"Whoa, what was that?!" she meowed with shock. In her short life of less than a season, she had never seen the specialty moves of the other Clans. To top it off, though, she'd never even seen SkyClan's special move!

She knew she had to get him off of her, however. She braced herself and put all her might into another front paw strike to get him off of her so she could respond.

Dandelionpaw used front paw strike, dealing 6 damage and using 10 stamina.

94/100 HP
280/280 SP


Twigkit - ??? - ???
ThunderClan - ??? - ???
He/they - ??? - ???
Kit - ??? - ???
cc6633 - ??? - ???
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No Time For Rest [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: No Time For Rest [Closed]   No Time For Rest [Closed] EmptySun Jun 04, 2017 1:14 pm

As soon as she lashed out at him again, the deputy decided to let go and leap back. Their mock battle was at an end for now. Rippedsky sat back on his haunches as he prepared to launch into a brief lesson. Clan moves were one of his favorite things to share with young apprentices. Although he could not quite pull of Skyclan's moves himself, he could teach them as well as any other cat. When she was listening, he began, "Each clan has their own special moves that play off their strengths. What you just saw was called a swift strike. It is a Windclan move. Given my Windclan frame and heritage, I am able to use speed and agility to my advantage. Skyclan has it's own skill set as well." His tail tip flicked to her powerful hindlegs.

"All Skyclan born cats have powerful hindlegs that can be used for leaping." He continued on, "I know the basics of each of these moves, but given I lack the strong legs you have been given by Starclan, I cannot utilize them in battle myself."
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