Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 A misty arrival (OPEN)

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2 posters
bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyWed 1 Mar 2017 - 1:49

As snowflakes delicately landed onto the frosty surface of the moors, Mistkit padded out of the nursery slowly, studying her surroundings carefully. As soon as she realised there was no prominent danger, she bounded out, crashing into a heap of snow. The white powdery stuff covered her sleek, shiny fur. She giggled and crushed the snow around her. "I'm a monster!" she mewed happily. Suddenly, as she stomped around, a spray of snow hit her face and made her topple over in surprise. Mistkit looked around and spotted another kit playing in the snow a few tail-lengths away. She called out to the kit. "Hey, wanna play?" she asked the kit.
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyThu 2 Mar 2017 - 17:24

Hawkkit looked up from where she had been kicking up snow as a she-kit called out to her. Smiling brightly Hawkkit bounded over, practically hopping. "Hi! I'd love to play! I'm Hawkkit. What's your name?" Despite being 4 1/2 moons old, which she was very proud of, Hawkkit still preferred playing and listening to elder's stories rather than pestering the apprentices and warriors to show her battle moves. That being said, with no littermates to speak of, any time someone wanted to play with her she was ecstatic.

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyThu 2 Mar 2017 - 20:54

Mistkit was surprised at the amount of enthusiasm contained within that one sentence. She had only asked to play, but great Starclan! She acted like Mistkit asked her if she wanted to be a warrior! "Umm, it's Mistkit," she replied, startled. " There's a moss-ball near the elder's den, if you wanna play with that." Her eyes focused on the ball of moss as she readied herself to pounce on it. She carried it over to Hawkkit, her eyes reflecting the shine of the white landscape around them.

blazingwing  ~  driftpaw  ~ aspenkit ~ wrenkit

thunderclan young warrior  -  skyclan apprentice  -  skyclan kit  - riverclan kit

me likey choro the churro

A misty arrival (OPEN) 9879156A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877833A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877898A misty arrival (OPEN) 9884046
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyThu 2 Mar 2017 - 23:06

Hawkkit giggled, but when she saw the shocked look on Mistkit's face she looked at her paws. "Sorry... Mamma tells me I'm too hyper sometimes." When Mistkit suggested playing with the mossball Hawkkit perked up a bit. "That sounds great!" Watching Mistkit pounce on the mossball and then bring it over Hawkkit bounced in her spot. "Oh! Oh! Why don't we take turns tossing it in the air while the other tries to catch it? Like hunting bird!" Thought the reality of hunting birds was much different the game sounded fun to Hawkkit.

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 0:51

"Okay.." Mistkit replied. She had never been too good at this 'interacting' thing. Trying to wipe the look of her face, she batted the moss-ball into the air. But instead of it flying into the sky like a bird, it landed  square onto Hawkkit's face. "Oh no! Uh.. I'm sorry.." she stammered, crouching onto the floor and feeling sorry for her denmate.
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 1:23

ooc: I think I will make Mistkit a dark forest cat. Maybe your cat and mine could have a play-fight, and she accidentally hurts Hawkkit, and things get out of hand? I don't know but it sounds interesting to me.

blazingwing  ~  driftpaw  ~ aspenkit ~ wrenkit

thunderclan young warrior  -  skyclan apprentice  -  skyclan kit  - riverclan kit

me likey choro the churro

A misty arrival (OPEN) 9879156A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877833A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877898A misty arrival (OPEN) 9884046
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 9:32

OOC: No, I'd like to keep Hawkkit nice and innocent until later on.
I have another windclan cat, Sweetkit, who we could plan something with though if you're interested.

IC: Not having expected Mistkit to toss the moss so quickly Hawkkit looked up only for it to land on her face. Giggling she batted it off and smiled at Mistkit. "Why are you sorry? It's only moss." Hawkkit then hooked the mossball with her paw and tossed it into the air in Mistkit's direction.

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 12:17

ooc: ok

ic: Mistkit, relieved, pounced up into the air, batting the moss-ball onto the floor. Rolling it towards Hawkkit, she started churning the snow with her paws.

blazingwing  ~  driftpaw  ~ aspenkit ~ wrenkit

thunderclan young warrior  -  skyclan apprentice  -  skyclan kit  - riverclan kit

me likey choro the churro

A misty arrival (OPEN) 9879156A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877833A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877898A misty arrival (OPEN) 9884046
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 18:23

Batting the moss ball between her paws a few times Hawkkit giggled before tossing the moss ball into the air near Mistkit again. "Ya know, if we get really good at this, maybe we can impress our mentors when we become apprentices. And maybe we can catch some birds! Birds are my favorite." Hawkkit giggled again before she tilted her head to the side, staring up at the sky. "I wonder what a Hawk tastes like..."

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyMon 6 Mar 2017 - 12:57

"Eh, probably has tough meat. Think of all the cats they've eaten!" Mistkit mewed coolly. It seemed the subject of death didn't bother her at all. "Hey.." she started. "Have you ever thought about what cats that kill feel like? I mean, it is probably horrible, but.." she stopped as she didn't want to scare her denmate.

blazingwing  ~  driftpaw  ~ aspenkit ~ wrenkit

thunderclan young warrior  -  skyclan apprentice  -  skyclan kit  - riverclan kit

me likey choro the churro

A misty arrival (OPEN) 9879156A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877833A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877898A misty arrival (OPEN) 9884046
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyThu 9 Mar 2017 - 2:53

Hawkkit's eyes widened a bit at Mistkit's response to what hawk would taste like but then nodded in silent agreement. As Mistkit caught her attention again Hawkkit looked over at her, her eyes bright with interest. "Have you ever thought about what cats that kill feel like? I mean, it is probably horrible, but..."

Hawkkit shivered, a feeling of dread and emptiness filling her before quickly disappearing. Eyes wide Hawkkit gulped and looked away. "I- I don't know... It probably feels horrible." With a frown Hawkkit shook her and then shrugged, not even realizing she had merely repeated what Mistkit said. "Um... Let's talk about something else."

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptyThu 9 Mar 2017 - 12:37

"Okay," Mistkit replied, staring at the shivering kit. She froze as a large, multicoloured butterfly fluttered across the sky. "Look at that - it looks like a bird," she muttered, following it quietly.

blazingwing  ~  driftpaw  ~ aspenkit ~ wrenkit

thunderclan young warrior  -  skyclan apprentice  -  skyclan kit  - riverclan kit

me likey choro the churro

A misty arrival (OPEN) 9879156A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877833A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877898A misty arrival (OPEN) 9884046
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptySat 11 Mar 2017 - 1:48

Hawkkit looked over to where Mistkit was looking and gasped and then giggled. "It's a butterfly. But it is really pretty." Hawkkit jumped up and tried to grab the butterfly between her paws but it fluttered too high for her to reach. Landing back on the ground in a heap, paws empty, she looked at Mistkit with wide eyes.

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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bertie beetle

bertie beetle

Characters : Blazingwing, Mist [DEAD], Aspenkit [DEAD], Duskpaw [DEAD], Ash of the Burning Forest [DEAD], Drift, Hollykit (UNBORN)
Clan/Rank : NAW of thunderclan, rogue, kit of skyclan, apprentice of riverclan, app of windclan, kit of skyclan
Gemini Goat
Number of posts : 529
Age : 21

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptySat 11 Mar 2017 - 13:28

Mistkit giggled, then came over to help her get up. "Hey - wanna go to the elders den? I heard Cedarfur has a really good one," she mewed before padding over to see if they were sleeping or not.

blazingwing  ~  driftpaw  ~ aspenkit ~ wrenkit

thunderclan young warrior  -  skyclan apprentice  -  skyclan kit  - riverclan kit

me likey choro the churro

A misty arrival (OPEN) 9879156A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877833A misty arrival (OPEN) 9877898A misty arrival (OPEN) 9884046
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Characters : Brightpaw | Cherrypaw | Sweetpaw | Timberpaw | Tinypaw
Clan/Rank : {B}{C}{S}{Tmb}{Tn} APPRENTICES
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 711
Age : 26

A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) EmptySat 11 Mar 2017 - 20:08

Hawkkit nodded once she was upright once more and padded after Mistkit excitedly. 'The elders tell the best stories! I hope this one is about a gathering. Those are my favorites!' Giggling at her thoughts Hawkkit sped up, having fallen behind during her mental commentary.

Character Profiles - Topic Tracker/Reminder Board - Requirement Tracker
Current Plots

Three Hearts Collide
Apathy, Acting, and Acceptance
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A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A misty arrival (OPEN)   A misty arrival (OPEN) Empty

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A misty arrival (OPEN)
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