Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC]

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2 posters


Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC] Empty
PostSubject: Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC]   Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC] EmptySat 19 Jul 2014 - 9:44

Ebonyleaf padded into the camp, her pelt soaked from crossing through the moat that protected RiverClan's camp. She shivered, setting down the pile of herbs she carried and feeling a bit like a dog as she tried to shake as much water off as she could. The warrior who had escorted her there laughed and she gave them a weak smile. There was pleanty of water in ShadowClan, but not quite like that.

When she finished drying off to a degree, she gave a curious look around, eying the other RiverClan cats before pin-pointing the medicine cat den. These cats were still healing from battle, she wondered if her new apprentice could handle it all. "Cloverpaw?" she poked her head inside, glancing around.

ooc;; any rc ppl who wanna post can, but the focus of the topic will be going on between lil and i. tnx. <3
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Number of posts : 960

Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC]   Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC] EmptyWed 30 Jul 2014 - 18:39

"Huh?!" The small cat's head immediately popped up at the sound of a familiar cat's voice. Cloverpaw had been so busy trying to handle the hurt cats after RiverClan's latest battle, the she-cat had found no time to rest. And now, in broad day light, did the cat find herself snoozing off among her herbs.

Immediately embarrassed for being caught asleep, the cat focused on licking her paws as opposed to meeting Ebonyleaf's gaze. "Oooh, heeeey Ebonyleaf. I was just.. um... organizing my stuff here." She mewed quickly, and suddenly feeling unconvincing she added, "I wasn't doing anything other than that..." But as soon as she had said it the cat immediately wished she hadn't spoken at all. It was clear, by the rumpled look of her fur and the drowsiness in her voice, that she had been asleep. Cloverpaw felt frustrated with herself, this wasn't the message she had hoped to send on her very first training session with Ebonyleaf. StarClan help her.

Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC] Kit_110 Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC] Caat_110
c l o v e r p a w -- m o t h w h i s k e r

because lilacbreeze will always be my one true love:

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Miss Clover's Training [For Lil and some RC]
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